Freshwater Angelfish Temperature Guide (Vital Information)

Freshwater angelfish are a beautiful addition to any fish tank. These gorgeous, brightly-colored fish can be found in at least 20 different species and colors. If you want your fish to be healthy and thrive, then it’s crucial that they are happy in their environment.

Angelfish originate from the Amazon River Basin and various rivers in tropical South America, so this gives you some indication of the perfect angelfish water temperature.

Best Freshwater Angelfish Temperature

Freshwater angelfish usually require slightly warmer tank temperatures. They can survive in several temps, but 78 to 84 degrees F is going to be the best for your fish. This species can be very sensitive to temperature factors. They notice changes right away, which can shock them if the temperature drops suddenly.

You can easily monitor the tank’s temperature with a heater and thermometer combination. That way, you can quickly respond to sudden changes in your aquarium. The best options for Angelfish will have an easy to see and read display that you set up right on the tank.

 Keeping their tank at the proper temperature takes dedication. You will want to check the tank several times a day until you stabilize it. Once you get a feel for keeping the temperature right, you can start checking it less often. The tank should not change drastically unless you have it near a draft or sunny window.

 Angelfish can survive in colder temperatures but will not have the best quality of life. The lowest they can tolerate is 65 degrees, but you want to keep it well above that. The perfect angelfish temperature is 75 degrees or higher. Overall, keep their tank clean and their water aerated, and they will be perfectly happy.

Best Temperature for Angelfish Eggs & Fry

When your angelfish have eggs, there are two main options. First, you can let the fish care for the eggs. Second, you can take care of the eggs yourself. 

When leaving the eggs with the fish, be sure you know they may eat the eggs and fry. When stressed, angelfish will eat their young. That means you need to provide them with the most suitable conditions.

Angelfish aerate the eggs on their own and will clean them. If you decide to separate the parents from the eggs, you will need to do this on your own.

 The best temperature for hatching eggs is 80 degrees F (about 26.67 celsius). As this is also suitable for angelfish, you can keep the adults with their young if needed.

What Happens if the Angelfish Tank Temperature Becomes Too Cold?

Most Angelfish, like the Altum angel or koi angels, you want to keep the temperature between 82 and 86 degrees. They notice changes easily and will not respond well. Fish are cold-blooded, which means they can not regulate their body temperatures.

 The water can directly impact their metabolism. If the water is cold, they become tired and will swim much slower than normal. Temperature changes also can lead to excessive stress, which can cause death. Fluctuations in water conditions impact their immune system, too, and can make it easier to receive a bacterial infection.

 Overall, it is best to keep the tank’s temperature in a comfortable setting for your fish. While they may have a higher tolerance for various temperatures, you don’t want your fish to be uncomfortable.

What Happens if Your Angelfish Tank Temperature is Too High?

On the other hand, you may accidentally set the temperature too high for your fish. While angelfish have a higher tolerance to warm water than cold, you still want to make the changes as soon as you notice.

Hot water causes the angelfish to have issues with a fast metabolism. They become much more lively and will swim fast in their space. However, they may have issues eating and will feel extreme amounts of stress. 

The biggest problems come when the temperatures go above 90 degrees. Fish breathe through oxygen in the water, which is harder for them to find when it’s hot. As they are moving faster, they need more air- which they aren’t getting enough of. Angelfish can suffocate in this circumstance. 

 Stress caused by hot water can lead to diseases and a suitable environment for bacteria and parasites. If you want to have happy, healthy fish, then ensuring their tank is at the proper temperature is going to be one of the best things you can do for them.

How Do You Maintain the Ideal Temperature in Your Angelfish Tank?

To maintain the ideal water temp for your angelfish tank, you want to spend some time checking it every day. If you keep an eye on the temperature, then you should react quickly when you notice any changes. It’s important to use an accurate thermometer. 

Make sure not to place the tank near open windows or vents. They can cause the temperature in the tank to fall rapidly. Additionally, you need to watch for the sun shining on the tank. It can create a greenhouse effect, leading to a hot aquarium. 

Heavy aquariums are not suitable for desks or normal pieces of furniture. You need something stronger. Not following the weight limits can lead to disasters later! Keep in mind that Angelfish can grow very large, meaning they need spacious tanks to be comfortable.

You will want to spend some time thinking about the best place to put the aquarium. The living room and other central rooms you visit often are usually going to be the best locations. You can check on your fish as you walk past, making it convenient to check on them. 

 The sooner you can check problems with the water- the sooner you can fix them!

Consider Other Fish in a Community Tank

Suppose you plan on raising other species of fish with your Angelfish. In that case, you should also consider what temperatures they can tolerate. Just because other species can live with your Angelfish doesn’t mean they should- you may need to lower the temperature too much.

Keeping your fish comfortable is what’s most important. You don’t want to leave your fish at the ends of their temperature tolerances for too long. In the wild, fish would swim away from these conditions, but they can’t in a tank.

It’s best if you separate fish that require temperatures that are too different. Even if their tolerances overlap, doing so may not be good for them. Make sure to research species thoroughly that you plan on adding to your Angelfish tank.


If you have freshwater angelfish, the best way to take care of them is to check the temperature of their tank often. Serious issues can occur when the water is too hot or cold. These particular species respond to changes very quickly.

Overall, you will want to get a good thermometer for your tank. They make it easier to view the temperature and are going to be more accurate for you. Your fish will be sure to appreciate it! If you want to learn more about fishkeeping, check out the rest of my blog posts.

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