Fungus Vs. Columnaris in Fish: Identify & Treatments

Fungus Vs Columnaris

If you have noticed white, fuzzy stuff on your fish, you are probably dealing with either fungus or columnaris. They are often mistaken for one another, given their characterized fluffy, cotton-like patches on the fish’s skin or gills. Unfortunately, no matter which one your fish is suffering from, fungus or columnaris, it needs to be … Read more

Fritz Maracyn Vs. Maracyn 2 (What’s The Difference?)

maracyn vs maracyn 2

Are you wondering what Maracyn is used for? Today, we’ll list out all the essential things you need to know about Maracyn, including its uses, treatment method, administration, and much more. We’ll also compare Fritz Maracyn Vs. Maracyn 2 to find out what’s the difference between the two. Find out all these answers and more in … Read more

Bettafix Review: Is It Worth the Risk?

Bettafix Review

Wounds, abrasions, and sores on Betta fish call for quick action. If the injury is left untreated, there is a high chance of infection, which may worsen the original wound. Unfortunately, fungal and bacterial infections can be deadly for Betta fish if you don’t tend to them.  One standard solution to cure Bettas is using … Read more

Pimafix Vs. Melafix (What’s The Difference?)

Pimafix Vs. Melafix

Fish, like their keepers, are highly susceptible to diseases and infections. And we understand that seeing your “fin-friends” in distress is not something you’d want to face. But the good news is that there are several medications to treat them. You might have heard about Pimafix and Melafix, but as a beginner, it’s easy to … Read more