Peppered Cory Catfish (Corydoras paleatus) Species Profile: Our Favorite Cory You Have to Try

Pepper Cory Fish Species Profile

Looking for a peaceful, small fish with tons of personality? Look no further! The peppered cory catfish, or Corydoras paleatus, is one of our most recommended community fishes for aquarists of all experience levels. Here’s why: They’re super friendly, easy to breed and make excellent clean-up crew members in community tanks.  In this care guide, … Read more

Top 7 Most Rare & Expensive Corydoras ($50 ~ $600 Per Fish)

rare expensive corydoras

Corydoras are one of the most popular fish kept in aquariums, and for good reasons – they’re hardy, attractive, and relatively affordable. However, some corydoras can be quite rare and expensive, especially those that have restricted ranges or are difficult to breed in captivity.  Most people would not pay more than $10 on a single … Read more

Banded Corydoras (Scleromystax barbatus) Species Profile: Care, Tank Size, Food & Tank Mates

Banded corydoras (Scleromystax barbatus)

Banded Corydoras is a large schooling fish and is widely known among aquarists for its distinctive yet beautiful appearance. It is a bottom dweller, ideal for the temperate community aquarium.  Not only do they have an exciting look that sets them apart from other species, but they are also easy to care for, which makes … Read more

How Long Do Cory Catfish Live? (5 Things You Can Do to Help them Live Longer)

How Long Do Cory Catfish Live

Corydoras catfish are tiny, peace-loving, and colorful fish. Although they are bred in tanks, their indigenous origin goes all the way to Brazil and Peru. The species is uncommon and is currently in high demand because of its astonishing metallic green, orange, and violet colors. Corydoras usually stick around for a long time in the aquarium. But if … Read more

How Big Do Cory Catfish Get? (The 3 Smallest & The 3 Biggest)

How Big Do Cory Catfish Get

If you’re an aquarium enthusiast, then Cory Catfish are a must-have!  These small, lively and hardy bottom-dwelling scavengers offer tons of personality with peace, are beloved by aquarists around the world. For someone who’s looking for the first bottom feeding fish, look no further! The Cory catfish is a fantastic option for any aquarium.  While … Read more

The 10 Most Popular Types of Cory Catfish (Species & Pictures)

Types of Cory Catfish

A staple and widely popular fish in the aquarium world – Cory Catfish is the active day dweller that will make your fish tank lively. Unlike the bottom-dwelling aquarium fish that prefer hiding the entire day, Corys chase each other around while scanning their surroundings. Then again, they thrive even when held in captivity, making … Read more