7 Most Popular Types Of Danios (+ With Pictures)

Lively and tiny – Danios will be the most pleasant and playful companions in your aquarium. 

These hardy fishes survive in unheated tanks and have minimal maintenance requirements, making them the top pick for novices and experienced aquarists. Besides, they are small-sized and do not require large aquariums to move around. 

So, if you are looking for tiny fishes for your small aquarium space, there’s no need to look any further. 

In this guide, we will look at the different types of Danios and tell you everything you need to know about them. So, without further ado, let’s begin. 

Danio Fish Types

Although there are different types of Danios, only a handful of species are commonly available. We’ve listed them here for you. Let’s take a look.

Zebra Danio

Zebra Danio
Photo: fro_Ost

Zebra Danios are a popular pick for freshwater tanks with their gorgeous stripes and small size due to their unfussy nature and minimal requirements. These South Asian natives are omnivores that can grow up to 2 inches and require a tank capacity of 10 gallons.

They have a spindle-shaped body, with five iridescent stripes running along its length, and prefer to live in groups. So, always keep at least five or more Zebrafish in your tank.

Active and playful, these fishes are non-aggressive and can live with other species of the same size. The ideal water temperatures for them are around 64 to 77℉.

Celestial Pearl Danios

Celestial Pearl Danios
Photo: CheepShot

Originating from South East Asia, Pearl Danios have white-spotted bodies with red or orange fins and lighten up any aquarium they are placed in. These fishes are no bigger than two inches and are quite shy and mellow. So, always keep them in groups with similar-sized species, or else they might fall prey to large fishes.

Moving on, they prefer heavily-vegetated tanks since it resembles their natural habitat and gives them more space to hide while laying eggs. The males of the species tend to get aggressive while looking for mates, so always keep more female fishes in the tank.

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Photo: moontan

White Cloud Mountain Minnows are brightly colored fishes originating from China. They are hardy and can survive different water conditions and temperatures. Ideally, they should be placed in water temperatures of 64 to 72℉ but can stay in unheated tanks, even if the temperature falls as low as 41℉.

Always keep them in schools of 6 or more (in a balanced male to female ratio), and they breed easily, spawning several times a year. The male species tend to get aggressive during the mating season, so it might be better to shift them in separate 7-gallon tanks.

In addition, these fishes grow no bigger than an inch or two and are easygoing when kept in groups, making them excellent tank mates for a large variety of similar-sized species.

Giant Danios

Giant Danios
Photo: Jubs13

Another fish from the Minnow family, Giant Danios, are freshwater fishes that can grow up to 4 to 6 inches, making them one of the largest Danio species.

Although they are generally peaceful, you should keep them with species similar to their size, or else they can prey on smaller fish varieties. Their large size makes them compatible with Cichlid tanks, as long as they are kept in groups.

These fishes are quite active and playful, and therefore need ample space to move around. Ideally, their tank should be no less than 30 gallons. Also, Giant Danios jump a lot, so don’t forget to cover your tank.

Glowlight Danios

Glowlight Danios
Photo: swordw

Another shoaling species they are bright-colored and peaceful, preferring cooler water temperatures and dense plant cover. These grow a little over one inch and are pretty active, requiring a minimum tank capacity of 10 gallons.

Since these fishes are shy, ensure there is sufficient hiding space for them to breed. Usually, a combination of coarse gravel and aquatic plants will suffice.

Spotted Danio

Photo: Choy Heng-Wah

Originating from Myanmar, Spotted Danios are freshwater fishes that are less than two inches long. As their name suggests, they are characterized by the appearance of iridescent spots that run along with their silver-colored bodies.

They are timid fishes that do well if kept with creatures their size. Suitable tankmates include Cory Catfish, Glowlight Danios, and Small Tetras. Ideally, they should be kept in a large school of 6 or more fishes.

Rose Danio

Photo: wikipedia

Rose Danios make great tank mates, as long as the fishes are of similar sizes and peaceful. They are hardy and easy to care for, growing around 2 inches and constantly moving around.

An important point you should remember with this species is that they require soft water, with temperatures that range between 68 to 77℉. Ideally, a group of twenty or more fishes will thrive in a community tank, but you can also keep 6 or 7 Danios in a 20-gallon tank.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Danios Should Be Kept Together?

Since Danios thrive well in groups, you should keep a minimum of 6 fishes in a tank of 25 gallons.

What Types Of Danios Are Best For A 10-Gallon Tank?

If you have a smaller aquarium, then you should choose Celestial Pearl Danios and Zebra Danios. They are small in size, non-aggressive, and can survive in small tanks.

Can Different Types Of Danio Breed?

Danios can be genetically modified to breed. Besides, some species like Zebra Danios breed with their subspecies (Leopard Danios). Crossbreeding is usually discouraged since it leads to infertility and reduces the lifespan of Danios.

Can You Mix Different Types Of Danios?

Although different Danios of similar sizes can live together peacefully, they can tell their species apart and tend to become reclusive instead of schooling. 


That’s all for today!

We hope you can now select the right species of Danios for your aquarium. Remember, Danios are peaceful, active, and hardy – so as long as you fulfill all their requirements, these fishes will add a stunning charm to your space without being troublesome. 

A word of advice before we go: clean the water tanks frequently since the buildup of toxins is detrimental to the health of Danios. Until next time, take care!

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