Black Orchid Betta 101 (Care, Tank Size, Food & Tank Mates)

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Most aquarists would like to have a unique collection of species to make their home aquarium stand out. 

Like us, if you’re passionate about having an aquarium full of fish, may we suggest bringing home the black orchid Betta. Both the male and female fish have an attractive black coloration and other glamorous shades, adding to their popularity. 

So, do you want to know more about the black orchid Betta? Do give this article a read.  

What Is A Black Orchid Betta? 

The black orchid betta, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is incredibly popular among aquarists for its eye-catching colors. But apart from its multitude of shades, the shape of the tail also grabs people’s attention, making them perfect for home aquariums or community tanks. 

Are Black Orchid Betta Rare? 

We wouldn’t say that black orchid betta are rare but they are less common than other betta varieties. You’ll find that due to genetic study and crossbreeding, this species is available in numerous colors. 

Overall, green betta fish is the rarest variety, while black betta is more abundant. In some cases, the latter may not develop pure genes because of improper breeding, leading to the appearance of other shades along with black. 

Black Orchid Betta Facts

Coloration And Social Behavior 

For those who don’t know, black betta fish show different variations in shade despite their predominant color being black. For instance, you’ll find fish that are as dark as night while others are less melanistic due to their iridescent scales and fins. 

But irrespective of the color, black betta fish are territorial, and scientists rightfully categorize them as “fighting fish.” They don’t gel well with tank mates while the male fish display aggressive behavior during the mating season. 

Black Orchid Betta Halfmoon 

As the name suggests, these betta fish have a tail that looks like a half-arc, which is why aquarists call them Halfmoon betta. This evocative tail design adds to their glamour, and you may find other colors like iridescent blue or red adorning the edges. 

Black Orchid Betta Crowntail

Unlike other varieties, the black orchid crowntail betta is easily recognizable due to its extended fins, thanks to the minimum webbing. You’ll see that the tail fin extends outward like spikes which give the appearance of an upside-down crown. 

What’s more, the base of the fins may have iridescent colors, which further adds to its gorgeousness. 

Black Orchid Betta Size 

Like most betta fish, the black orchid variant has a small body that’s roughly three inches long. But overall, they measure eight inches on account of their long fins and tails. 

We found that the male has a large caudal fin, giving it a distinctive appearance while contributing to a major portion of the length. Naturally, you’ll require a large tank to keep the fish healthy. 

How Long Do Black Orchid Bettas Live? 

With proper care and under ideal conditions, black orchid betta has a lifespan of three years. However, they can live longer, up to five years in some cases, or die younger. 

Unfortunately, there’s no way to ascertain the age of a black orchid betta when you bring it home. Also, numerous factors determine their health which affects their longevity. 

How Much Do Black Orchid Bettas Change? 

Initially, young black orchid betta have a solid black body accompanied by a translucent tail and fins. You’ll also see that the borders around the fins are white and distinctly visible. 

With time, the white shades decrease gradually while the intensity of the black color increases. Not to mention, the fins may develop patterns, spots, or stripes, adding to their beauty. 

Black Orchid Betta Care 

Proper Water Parameters 

In terms of water parameters for the black orchid betta, you must consider two things: water temperature and pH level.

Since betta fish are highly sensitive to temperature variations, it would be best to install a heater. This will help you maintain a consistent temperature between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Additionally, the pH value should be between 6.5 and 7.5. 


Black orchid betta is omnivorous and feeds on everything from live insects to tank vegetation. All you need to do is ensure that the fish receive adequate proteins to keep them healthy. 

Speaking of proteins, dry foods like pellets and flakes are a favorite of these fish. 

Tank Size 

Depending on the size and number of black orchid betta you plan to have, it would be best to get a large tank. Usually, a five-gallon tank should be enough, but you must ensure that it’s tall.

This is because betta fish feed on the water surface and come up for air, unlike other species. 

Black Orchid Betta Names

Black orchid betta has a variety of names inspired by food, culture, and objects. For instance, some common names include anise, midnight, onyx, and ink. 

Is It Normal For Black Orchid Betta To Change Color? 

Although first-time betta owners may worry, let us assure you that it’s perfectly normal for the black orchid betta to change color. They assume a darker shade as the years go by, sometimes losing the bright colors they had as youngsters if they have the marble gene.

Final Thoughts

That’s all there is to know about the black orchid betta; hopefully, our guide will help you take care of the fish. 

Contrary to popular opinion, these fish are easy to maintain, which makes them perfect for first-time owners. And simply watching them swim around may calm your soul, while their loud and exotic colors will brighten up most indoor spaces. 

After a while, once the fish get used to your presence, it’s possible to teach them tricks like following your finger. Long story short, it promises to be a worthwhile investment. 

So, get your black orchid betta and experience the life of a unique underwater creature like never before! 

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Jeff Colt

Jeff Colt

Hello, I'm Jeff- an aquarium enthusiast with over 25 years of experience caring for a wide array of tropical fish, including koi, goldfish bettas, cichlids and more! For me: Aquariums are like jello - there's always room for more!

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