Why Is My Betta Fish Turning White or Losing Color?

Betta Fish Losing Color

Bettas attract and fascinate hobbyists of all ages simply because of their jewel-tone colors and long, delicate fins. However, sometimes unusual can happen, and your betta fish will become to lose their color. The most common change in color is turning white or having dulled coloration. Today we’re going to talk about the causes of why … Read more

Betta Cloudy Eye 101(Symptoms Pictures & Proven Treatment)

Betta Cloudy Eye

Cloudy eye in betta fish is quite common. Luckily, it is easily prevented and treatable with broad spectrum antibiotics and good supportive care. However, this condition requires immediate attention. When left untreated, your betta fish will lose its eyesight or possibly die. Like other common eye disorders in fish, the cloudy eye has several potential causes; … Read more

Betta Ammonia Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Betta Fish Ammonia Poisoning

Ammonia poisoning is a silent and deadly disease that can affect your bettas, and if not caught in time, it can kill them. Typically, ammonia poisoning happens when you are setting up a new (non-established) tank. But it can also occur in established aquariums that have had their nitrogen cycling process interrupted. Just like humans, excessive ammonia … Read more

Anchor Worms in Betta Fish (Will They Kill My Fish?)

anchorworms on betta fish

Anchor worms in betta fish are less common than other parasites like Ich (aka white spot disease) and Velvet. They primarily affect goldfish and koi but can infect any freshwater fish or amphibians, like pet frogs and turtles, that don’t have proper quarantine protocols. If you spot these macroscopic parasites on your betta fish, action must be taken immediately. The … Read more

Columnaris in Betta Fish (Symptoms, Causes & Treatment)

Columnaris Betta

Known by a number of names, columnaris is unfortunately very common among many different types of fish. If you own one or several betta fish, you will want to keep in mind the prevalence of this disease among them. This is one disease that can be absolutely devastating to them on a variety of levels. … Read more

Velvet In Bettas 101 (Symptoms, Cause & Treatment)

Velvet In Bettas

Velvet disease is a very common disease that aquarium fishes suffer from. As such, all aquarium owners should know how to treat it. Often referred to as gold-dust disease or rust disease, it is caused by a group of microscopic parasitic dinoflagellates that are present in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. In this article, we will … Read more

Clamped Fins on Betta (Symptoms, Causes & Treatments)

Clamped Fins in Bettas

A stressed pet may cause even more stress to its owner. After all, your pets cannot express how they are feeling and what is bothering them. However, many pet owners, including fish keepers, develop strong bonds with their precious companions and can often tell if they are under stress. At the same time, there are … Read more

18 Betta Fish Diseases and Disorders (With Pictures): Prevention and Treatment

betta fish diseases

Bettas are one of the most popular freshwater fish and are beloved by many aquarium hobbyists, especially novice fish owners. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to live very long and are also prone to various diseases and disorders that can significantly reduce their expected lifespan. The problem is that it’s not easy to catch and treat … Read more

Cory Catfish and Betta: Do They Get Along Well?

Cory Catfish and Betta

Bettas are notorious for their aggressive behavior, but this doesn’t mean that they should always be isolated. This is good news for first-time fishkeepers, who may want to breed multiple species in one tank. And one such variety that complements bettas is corydoras catfish. However, there are some things you should know before starting out. … Read more