Betta Stress Stripes (Breeding VS Fear Stripes)

Betta Stress Stripes

Have you noticed any unusual behavior in the Betta fish whenever you make a little change to the water system?

Commonly known as Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens are colorful and low maintenance. They are typically found in a mix of all rainbow colors like red, blue, and yellow but temporarily get discolored and form stripes when faced with stressful conditions.

If you are wondering, “what Betta stress stripes look like, we’ve got you covered with our informative guide. 

What Are Betta Fish Stress Stripes?

Fishes often experience stress, just like humans do, but their trigger factors and the medium of expression are quite different. Now, Bettas indicate something being out of place in their surroundings through physical means. 

Whenever there are adversities or sudden changes in the aquarium, this species starts discoloring and adopts a light or dark striped pattern. These stripes could be horizontal or vertical, depending on the reason behind their occurrence. 

What Do Betta Stress Stripes Look Like?

When Bettas sense changes or get scared, they’ll lose their gorgeous colors and become pale. When this happens, they develop horizontally or vertically aligned parallel bands on their bodies that are quite different in color from their usual hues. 

Female Betta: Breeding Or Fear Stripes

Both types of stripes might appear the same to untrained eyes, but if you pay attention, you’ll be able to notice a striking difference. Let’s look at how fear stripes differ from breeding stripes to learn how to demarcate them from each other.

Fear Stripes

Fish are capable of communicating through their body language; they change their appearance by altering their pigmentation and colors. 

For instance, fear stripes are light horizontal streaks running along the female Betta’s body. These are caused when severe changes occur rapidly; you might have observed these stripes while siphoning the aquarium or netting your fish.

Breeding Stripes

While stress stripes are an indicator of tense situations, breeding stripes are a sign of good health in female Bettas. Yes, only females develop these stripes to indicate their prosperous breeding condition and invite males for mating.

Breeding stripes are vertically aligned light-colored bands, occurring in a series of five to six stripes. But these are less vibrant than the fear stripes.

Do Male Bettas Get Stress Stripes? 

Stress stripes are common in female Bettas but not so apparent in males. The latter loses its color under stress and shows other behavioral changes. However, some pet owners on fish forums have mentioned their male Bettas developing stress stripes under immense stress or habitat change. 

So, we can say that both males and females get stress stripes, but the phenomenon is much more pronounced in females than males. 

How To Get Rid Of Betta Stress Stripes?

What Causes Stress Stripes?

Your Betta can get stressed for multiple reasons, so let us discuss the possible causes. This will help you find effective methods to look after your fish and get rid of the stress stripes.

Is it a New Tank?

Stress stripes commonly occur when Bettas are moved from the pet store to their new home. This species is sensitive to changes and adjusts to a new habitat in their own sweet time. The stripes will likely go away in a week, provided you keep the tank filtered, cycled, and properly heated.

Water Conditions

Fluctuations in the water quality can stress out your fish really fast. That’s why you should avoid introducing sudden changes in your water tank. If you want to improve the quality of the water, do it gradually, so Bettas have enough time to adapt without freaking out.

Apart from water, the general tank conditions also affect the stress level of this species. Bright lighting, fast water cycling, and a lack of hiding spots are a few factors that can cause stress stripes. 

Make sure that your tank is large enough to accommodate all your fish comfortably (five gallons or more). Keep the lights dim and provide sufficient natural crevices to make your Bettas feel safe and secure. 


Betta splendens is a solitary species that doesn’t react too well when kept with other fish. They might cohabitate with some assorted tropical fish without showing aggression, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are compatible with them.

Bettas might become skittish and form stress stripes due to the presence of vividly colored and active fish around them. Therefore, it is important to observe their behavior closely while introducing new tankmates. If the stripes persist, it’s your sign to make some changes.

Getting Rid Of The Stripes

The best way to relieve Bettas from their stress stripes is by eliminating the source of stressful conditions. Make sure that you run water quality tests in your aquarium from time to time. What’s more, observe your Bettas’ movement and assess the space they are getting to move about and hide.

Notice your fish’s activity and movement in the water tank; is it swimming and moving around actively, or is it sulking at the bottom, most of the time? If the latter is the case, try adding more enrichments to the water. 

Additionally, research the species you introduce inside your tank along with the Betta splendens. You need to make sure that your fish are reacting well to each other instead of being aggressive.

Final Thoughts

Bettas are known as “fighting fish,” but in reality, they are complex and sensitive, prone to getting stressed at the slightest inconvenience. 

They are low maintenance but prefer solitary living and stress stripes are a sure sign that something is up and your fish is having a tough time. Moreover, prolonged stress can have a terrible effect on their immunity, making them vulnerable to diseases. 

But the stress stripes will warn you beforehand; you’ll have ample time to figure things out and make them better for your Betta’s comfort. 

We’ll sign off now, hoping that our guide was able to cater to all your queries. Don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Koi Betta Fish 101 (Care, Tank Size, Food & Tank Mates)

Koi Betta fish

When it comes to keeping fish in home aquariums, few species prove more stunning than the koi betta fish. 

They are available in several colors, don’t need much care, and can even perform tricks. All you need to do is provide the right conditions, and they will live happy lives. 

So, what are the things that you need to keep in mind while taking care of koi betta fish? Let’s find out. 

What Is A Koi Betta? 

Koi bettas are a type of marble betta fish that have a cellophane-scaled body. Although they come in a variety of shades and striking patterns, the two primary colors are black and red. 

These color changes occur when the marble DNA alters its position within the genome. 

Are Koi Bettas Aggressive? 

The koi betta fish tend to be aggressive and may react violently towards other tank mates. In fact, the males are territorial, especially during the breeding season, and don’t like intruders venturing close to the bubble nest. 

Meanwhile, the females are comparatively docile but do display aggressive behavior. 

Koi Betta Fish Facts? 

These fish are available in different color combinations and don’t require much care in home aquariums. But in the wild, they live in rice paddies, slow-moving streams, and ditches. And to survive in these conditions, they have developed a special organ. Along with their gills, this organ allows them to breathe oxygen above the water surface. 

Types Of Koi Betta (By Colors)

Galaxy Koi Betta 

The Galaxy koi betta has iridescent scales to complement its red body but you will also find streaks of another color.  

Candy Koi Betta 

Just like candies are available in multiple colors, this koi betta variety comes in black, blue, red, and yellow. 

Fancy Koi Betta 

As the name suggests, these fish have a wide range of colors, at times more than three, although red is quite common.

Nemo Koi Betta 

Another betta fish with gorgeous colors is the Nemo koi betta, which has orange, red, and black hues across its body. 

Red Koi Betta 

Red is a common color among betta fish, but they appear highly attractive due to the different patterns and combinations formed with other shades. 

Blue Koi Betta 

They have a vibrant and deep-blue shade due to the shape of their pigments. In some cases, you may also find a tinge of green. 

Yellow Koi Betta 

You’ll find different shades of yellow; however, the yellow koi betta has lemon-colored fins and body. Additionally, they may have a black border along the scales. 

Orange Koi Betta 

Orange koi betta usually has a tangerine shade, but the color varies from pale to bright orange. Moreover, the tail appears reddish. 

White Koi Betta 

White koi bettas are extremely glamorous, thanks to their white fins and scales that are often opaque. Also, the body isn’t pinkish, which makes other features more prominent. 

Black Koi Betta 

The black koi betta has several sub-varieties, but the main highlight is its dark body and cellophane-colored fins. 

Koi Samurai Betta 

The koi samurai betta is quite popular because of its dragon scaling and bright red colors, interspersed with patches of white. 

Purple Koi Betta 

This variety has violet and pale-lavender shades, but occasionally you may find hints of red or blue, making them quite rare. 

Koi Betta Tail Types 

Veiltail Koi Betta 

Veiltail koi bettas have a long dropping tail that behaves like seaweed and trails behind the body to deliver an attractive appearance. 

Superdelta Koi Betta 

These fish have wider tails that extend up to 180 degrees and display striking patterns. Plus, each portion of the tail is triangular and has straight edges, like the Greek letter delta. 

Halfmoon Koi Betta 

Similar to the delta variety, the Halfmoon koi betta has a 180-degree tail, perfect for displaying numerous colors and patterns. 

Crowntail Koi Betta 

The crowntail variant is extremely eye-catching and features webbing that extends mid-way up each fin. This gives the tail a spiky appearance, like an upside-down crown. 

Plakat Koi Betta 

Unlike domestic bettas, Plakats have a shorter tail which is less fancy but in no measure less beautiful due to their color combinations. 

How Long Do Koi Betta Fish Live? 

In the wild, koi betta fish live for 3-5 years but their lifespan increases in captivity. Some fish can live for 8-9 years at home if they get the right conditions, thereby making them perfect as pets. 

How Big Do Koi Betta Fish Get? 

Both male and female koi betta fish reach a maximum length of three inches, meaning you don’t need to have a large tank to accommodate their fins. 

How Expensive Is A Koi Betta? 

The price of a koi betta fish depends on the type, with costs varying from $2 to $30. For instance, a regular female koi betta fish is available for $12-$15, while Paradise or Bumblebee bettas often cost $20. 

Of all the types, Elephant Ear bettas are the costliest, while Veiltail bettas are the least expensive. 

Gender: Koi Betta Male Vs. Female

Although both genders are of the same size, female koi bettas have a white spot called the ovipositor in front of the anal fin. Other than that, some males have a longer fin which helps distinguish them from females. 

Koi Betta Fish Care

How Big Of A Tank Does A Koi Betta Need? 

The smallest tank that you can purchase for a koi betta is 5 gallons. However, it comes down to the number of fish you want to keep. 

Most people keep 4-5 females, for which you’ll need a 20-gallon tank. That said, most koi bettas can live healthy lives in a 5-gallon tank without much difficulty. 

Do Koi Betta Fish Need A Filter? 

It would be best to install a filter even though koi bettas can survive in stagnant water. Not to mention, using a filter keeps the water clean, the fish stress-free, and helps mimic the natural conditions of their habitat. 

Do Koi Betta Fish Need A Heater? 

Another good practice would be to buy a heater for the fish tank to maintain the ideal water temperature. You must note that koi betta fish can’t survive in chilly conditions, and if the water temperature fluctuates constantly, it may shorten their lifespan. 

Do Koi Betta Fish Need Lighting? 

Betta fish are like humans and they need lighting to determine when to wake up and go to sleep. They like mild lights during the day, which you can switch on/off to help them wake up during the day or rest at night. 

Koi Betta Tank Care


The average water temperature for koi betta fish ranges from 72 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. We must mention that they are quite sensitive to temperature fluctuations, so you should ensure that the water conditions aren’t too hot or cold for the fish. 

PH Level

Ideally, the pH range for koi betta fish should be within 6.0-8.0, but we’ve seen that they can survive in slightly acidic conditions. Now, for them to survive it’s essential that the pH is consistent, so make sure that it doesn’t fluctuate too much from 7.0. 

Water Hardness 

Apart from temperature and pH, it’s critical to ensure that the general hardness of water is between 70 and 330 ppm. Most koi betta fish prefer living in soft water, but they can survive in varying conditions, provided that the water isn’t very hard. 

Additionally, water hardness impacts the pH value, meaning you need to be vigilant.  

What Do Koi Betta Fish Eat? 

Koi betta fish primarily feed on insects and larvae in the wild as they need to consume a lot of protein. Also, being carnivores, they will eat most meat items. 

How To Breed Koi Betta? 

You’ll need a large tank, aquarium plants, heaters, and filters to breed koi betta fish. Once everything is in place, introduce a male and female pair to see how they respond to each other.

If the male turns aggressive, introduce a new female and stay patient; hopefully, you’ll find a pair that mates. 

Final Thoughts 

Are you confident that you have all the information needed for taking care of koi betta fish? 

Looking after these tiny fish isn’t a hassle; in fact, even kids can do it. That said, it’s important you keep them on a meat-based diet, ensuring that they receive the necessary proteins. 

Additionally, if possible, don’t introduce new fish into the tank. It would be best to keep the koi betta fish together but have a separate container to house the male and female during mating. 

On that note, we’ll leave you to iron out the details; hopefully, you’ll find colorful inhabitants to brighten up the home aquarium. Take care, bye! 

Black Orchid Betta 101 (Care, Tank Size, Food & Tank Mates)

Black Orchid Betta

Most aquarists would like to have a unique collection of species to make their home aquarium stand out. 

Like us, if you’re passionate about having an aquarium full of fish, may we suggest bringing home the black orchid Betta. Both the male and female fish have an attractive black coloration and other glamorous shades, adding to their popularity. 

So, do you want to know more about the black orchid Betta? Do give this article a read.  

What Is A Black Orchid Betta? 

The black orchid betta, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is incredibly popular among aquarists for its eye-catching colors. But apart from its multitude of shades, the shape of the tail also grabs people’s attention, making them perfect for home aquariums or community tanks. 

Are Black Orchid Betta Rare? 

We wouldn’t say that black orchid betta are rare but they are less common than other betta varieties. You’ll find that due to genetic study and crossbreeding, this species is available in numerous colors. 

Overall, green betta fish is the rarest variety, while black betta is more abundant. In some cases, the latter may not develop pure genes because of improper breeding, leading to the appearance of other shades along with black. 

Black Orchid Betta Facts

Coloration And Social Behavior 

For those who don’t know, black betta fish show different variations in shade despite their predominant color being black. For instance, you’ll find fish that are as dark as night while others are less melanistic due to their iridescent scales and fins. 

But irrespective of the color, black betta fish are territorial, and scientists rightfully categorize them as “fighting fish.” They don’t gel well with tank mates while the male fish display aggressive behavior during the mating season. 

Black Orchid Betta Halfmoon 

As the name suggests, these betta fish have a tail that looks like a half-arc, which is why aquarists call them Halfmoon betta. This evocative tail design adds to their glamour, and you may find other colors like iridescent blue or red adorning the edges. 

Black Orchid Betta Crowntail

Unlike other varieties, the black orchid crowntail betta is easily recognizable due to its extended fins, thanks to the minimum webbing. You’ll see that the tail fin extends outward like spikes which give the appearance of an upside-down crown. 

What’s more, the base of the fins may have iridescent colors, which further adds to its gorgeousness. 

Black Orchid Betta Size 

Like most betta fish, the black orchid variant has a small body that’s roughly three inches long. But overall, they measure eight inches on account of their long fins and tails. 

We found that the male has a large caudal fin, giving it a distinctive appearance while contributing to a major portion of the length. Naturally, you’ll require a large tank to keep the fish healthy. 

How Long Do Black Orchid Bettas Live? 

With proper care and under ideal conditions, black orchid betta has a lifespan of three years. However, they can live longer, up to five years in some cases, or die younger. 

Unfortunately, there’s no way to ascertain the age of a black orchid betta when you bring it home. Also, numerous factors determine their health which affects their longevity. 

How Much Do Black Orchid Bettas Change? 

Initially, young black orchid betta have a solid black body accompanied by a translucent tail and fins. You’ll also see that the borders around the fins are white and distinctly visible. 

With time, the white shades decrease gradually while the intensity of the black color increases. Not to mention, the fins may develop patterns, spots, or stripes, adding to their beauty. 

Black Orchid Betta Care 

Proper Water Parameters 

In terms of water parameters for the black orchid betta, you must consider two things: water temperature and pH level.

Since betta fish are highly sensitive to temperature variations, it would be best to install a heater. This will help you maintain a consistent temperature between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Additionally, the pH value should be between 6.5 and 7.5. 


Black orchid betta is omnivorous and feeds on everything from live insects to tank vegetation. All you need to do is ensure that the fish receive adequate proteins to keep them healthy. 

Speaking of proteins, dry foods like pellets and flakes are a favorite of these fish. 

Tank Size 

Depending on the size and number of black orchid betta you plan to have, it would be best to get a large tank. Usually, a five-gallon tank should be enough, but you must ensure that it’s tall.

This is because betta fish feed on the water surface and come up for air, unlike other species. 

Black Orchid Betta Names

Black orchid betta has a variety of names inspired by food, culture, and objects. For instance, some common names include anise, midnight, onyx, and ink. 

Is It Normal For Black Orchid Betta To Change Color? 

Although first-time betta owners may worry, let us assure you that it’s perfectly normal for the black orchid betta to change color. They assume a darker shade as the years go by, sometimes losing the bright colors they had as youngsters if they have the marble gene.

Final Thoughts

That’s all there is to know about the black orchid betta; hopefully, our guide will help you take care of the fish. 

Contrary to popular opinion, these fish are easy to maintain, which makes them perfect for first-time owners. And simply watching them swim around may calm your soul, while their loud and exotic colors will brighten up most indoor spaces. 

After a while, once the fish get used to your presence, it’s possible to teach them tricks like following your finger. Long story short, it promises to be a worthwhile investment. 

So, get your black orchid betta and experience the life of a unique underwater creature like never before! 

How To Euthanize A Betta Fish (The Most Humane Ways)

How To Euthanize A Betta Fish

Within a short time, pets become a part of the family, and when it’s time, goodbyes are seldom easy.  

While some live a long, fulfilling life, others don’t share that fortune. Fishes come in the latter category, and you will often find that they get sick or pass on quickly. If you have a betta fish who has not been keeping well at home or in the office, it may be time to let go.

But euthanizing a pet is not easy and needs to be done humanely and respectfully. Read on below for more information on how to euthanize a betta fish.

When To Euthanize A Betta Fish?

Fatal Diseases in Bettas

Fish Tuberculosis 

Fish tuberculosis is caused by the Mycobacterium spp. There are over 150 Mycobacterium species, some of which can be found in soil and water. As one of the common environmental contaminants, they do not require a fish host to survive.

While Fish Tuberculosis is not as prevalent as it used to be, it is still possible for fish to get TB and spread it to humans through open wounds. You will know that the fish has contracted TB through signs like loss of scales, discoloration in the body, and skeletal deformities. 

A Betta fish suffering from fish Tb is not treatable, and the only option for treatment would be euthanasia. If a betta shows signs of this deadly disease, it should immediately be isolated to prevent any spread of infection.


Columnaris is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that presents itself in the form of mold-like lesion. This is one of the common bacterial infections that Betta contract due to poor water quality, stress, or an inadequate diet. 

The name for Columnaris is derived from the bacteria’s columnar-shaped appearance, which can be found in virtually all aquarium environments. It has also been referred to as the cotton wool disease, saddleback disease, or guppy disease.

The biggest issue with this disease is that it can occur slowly or spread quickly, killing the Betta fish in just a few hours. So it is essential to keep a lookout for signs that might allow you to do something about it, such as:

  • Grayish spots on the mouth, edges of scales, or fins 
  • Lesions on the back and the sides
  • The disintegration of fins and gills
  • A layer of moldy or cottony lesions grows around the mouth

The course of the disease is sped up by high water temperature. However, lowering it will not slow down or affect its progression. The Columnaris bacteria (F. columnare) can be treated with antibiotics and prevented via basic tank maintenance.


A pinecone-like Appearance

Dropsy is not an independent disease but more like a sign to show that the fish might be suffering from other issues like TB or a tumor. If you notice that your fish has a bit of swelling in the abdomen or the scales are sticking out, then they may be suffering from dropsy. 

In most cases, both physical and behavioral symptoms are observed.

  • A pinecone-like appearance
  • Visual bloat and swelling of the belly
  • Eyes are popping out
  • Color loss
  • Clamped fins
  • Extreme lethargy
  • Stop eating 
  • Swimming near the top of the tank.

Dropsy can come from multiple factors that weaken your Betta fish’s immune system. The gram-negative Aeromonas bacteria are considered the main cause, which will only lead to serious infection for fish that already have an impaired immune system. 

Dropsy is extremely difficult to treat; by the time your Betta has a pine cone appearance, severe internal damage has already occurred.

Betta Fish Behaviour Before Death

Betta fish have tell-tale signs that can indicate they are closer to their demise. If you are a first-time fish owner, it is essential to keep these signs in mind.

Poor Appetite 

This is one of the first signs to look out for, not just in terms of death but general sickness. If your fish seems disinterested in food during normal feeding time, consider it a red flag. Betta fishes have a decent appetite, so not eating or spitting the food out clearly indicates that something is wrong. 

In some cases, the betta fish might come up to the surface but not eat. That is a sign of it gasping for air which could also indicate that they may be suffering. 


Betta fishes are known for their color. Discoloration in their skin or even a slight fade indicates poor health conditions. 

A fatal fish illness that many beginners face is nitrite poisoning. When the levels of nitrites spike, you will notice your little guy has a red belly which means it needs emergency veterinarian care and probably euthanization.

However, some color fading is normal and should be expected. Colour fade in marbling Bettas are part of the aging process, but it can also indicate a health problem if your Betta’s body suddenly loses all its color or develops signs such as pale gills, which may cause you to worry about them.

Also, remember, the older the fish gets, the more its skin will fade. It does not always have to be a fatal disease; it could just be old age too.

Lack Of Response 

Any healthy fish, Betta or otherwise, will respond promptly and eagerly. But if a betta is non-responsive, isolated, and seems tired, there is a chance it might be unwell. 

A sick Betta fish typically becomes less responsive to gestures and movements. It would rather sleep or isolate itself from its owner’s presence, as it is in a weakened state of health.

If you are concerned whether your Betta is lethargic or just sleeping, try offering them food and turning on the lights to see if they wake up.

How To Humanely Euthanize A Fish

Putting a pet down is never easy, but that does not mean it has to be done in an inhumane way. There are two main ways of getting the job done in a way that ensures your fish is let go with love and respect.

Clove Oil 

Clove oil is readily found and has the properties to make a small fish unconscious. When mixed with warm water, it can be added to the tank in small doses. The first dose will render the fish unconscious, while the second will allow it to pass away in its sleep. 

Observe the fish carefully in this solution, ensuring they are fully submerged, and their gills aren’t moving. The concentration of the solution should be appropriate for your size of fish; if it’s too small or large, you run a high risk of killing them by accident. Once all sign of life is gone from their gills (i.e., there isn’t any movement) after 10 minutes, then place them into the freezer to make double sure that they’re dead before disposal!

TMS Buffered with Baking Soda

This is the professional anesthetic that labs and aquariums use for sedation, euthanasia, or anesthesia, which has been proved for euthanizing laboratory fish softly.

Add the most common agent, TMS (also known as MS-222), slowly until the gills stop moving. To ensure that the fish has died, add a shot of grain alcohol after about 10 minutes. 

Anesthetics like MS-222 are not readily available but can be procured after consultation with a vet.

Author note: Fish must be held 21 days before release if anesthetized with MS-222.

How To NOT Kill Your Betta Fish

The methods mentioned below will most likely kill your fish brutally, so we recommend steering clear of these.


Aka, fish poison. It is like giving chocolate to a dog or any form of poison to anyone suffering. Many people recommend vodkaand it might do the job, but it’s not a nice way to go.


This is an easy way to get rid of a fish but not the right one. Especially since certain fishes tend to survive, and flushing them is just torture. 

Ice Water 

Placing the fish in ice water may be suitable for some fish but not betta fishes. The ice formation on the gills, if they have a chance to survive, is painful and can kill them.


Can You Euthanize A Betta With Melafix (Tea Tree Oil)?

There have been varied opinions on this as tons of people have treated tanks with Melafix. However, considering it is an oil, much like clove oil, there is a chance it can euthanize bettas. We still recommend using clove oil or Pimafix for this.

Is It Okay To Flush A Dead Fish Down The Toilet?

Flushing a fish is never an option for two main reasons. Firstly, the toilet tank or drain is not meant to handle foreign objects. And secondly, it is an inhumane way to let your pet go, especially if the death has not been verified. 

Final Thoughts

With that, we come to the end of this guide on euthanizing a betta fish.

Remember to verify the death of your fish before taking the next step and burying it. It is advisable to give the fish at least 30 minutes to check for gill movement. If there is no movement or eye rolls even after that time, the fish has passed on. 

On that note, we shall sign off. We know dealing with moments like this can be challenging, but using the methods recommended above will ensure that you let go of your pets in the most humane way.

White Opal Betta (Is it Rare & Turning Black/White?)

White Opal Betta

White and glistening like the pearls of the sea — it’s a wonder that White Opal Betta are often overlooked when compared to their colorful counterparts.

Though the White Opal Betta don’t have jewel-bright color, it’s still one of lucky-to-obtain color variations among hobbyists and retailers.  

This guide will teach you the essentials of White Opal Betta care and find out why do White Opal Bettas change color. 

So, read on to learn more.

What Is A White Opal Betta?

Often considered a beginner fish, Betta fish are easy to care for and exceptionally interesting to watch. Even more so, if you are lucky enough to get your hands on a White Opal Betta with the marble gene, which allows them to take on different colors. 

Betta fish, as a species, come in a wide range of colors, including turquoise, yellow, red, black, pastel— some may even be multicolored. 

And as the name suggests, the White Opal Betta can be identified by its striking white body and mesmerizing flowing fins. Sometimes, you will find that they have a pinkish body because the fish’s flesh is visible through its scales, giving it a pinkish tone. 

Is White Opal Betta Rare? 

Compared to some other breeds, such as the spotfin Betta, Betta livida, or Albino betta, the White Opal Bettas are not so rare. However, among Betta fish breeds, White Opals are perhaps lesser-known. That said, interested buyers may still obtain them from plenty of local breeders and most online dealers. 

Do White Opal Bettas Change Color? 

There may be instances where a pet owner brings home a strikingly white Betta fish, only to discover it slowly turning into a blue-black hue. 

Although some prefer the fish to retain its original look, don’t be too surprised if the presence of the marble gene triggers color changes in your White Opal Betta fish. 

In fact, lots of pale or white bettas you find in the LFS or petco may even show its true colors upon maturity literally due to a marble gene. However, it is worth noting that healthy and colorful Betta does not turn white unless some underlying issues lurk below the surface.

If you are looking for a pure white Betta fish, look no further than Platinum Bettas. A real Platinum Betta fish has an exterior of luxurious shiny metallic-white that never fades with age.  

Why Is My White Opal Betta Turning Black, Red, Or Pink?

As mentioned earlier, a change in a White Opal Betta’s color is not always a bad sign. Sometimes, the healthy environment and water quality of its new home causes color changes in a fish that was previously subjugated to less-than-favorable conditions at a pet shop.

That said, colorful Betta fish kept in tiny ammonia-filled cups for extended periods may feel stressed, inhibiting its true colors. As long as the red or pink hue it develops is uniform across its entire body, there is probably nothing to worry about. 

And of course, White Opal Betta fish and White Dumbo Bettas with the marble gene may metamorphose over a year or so. Don’t be surprised if they switch from pink to red or blue to blue-black with the tide of time — in fact, they may continue to change colors for far longer. 

At the same time, colorful Betta fish may lose their color due to various factors — most of which spell bad news. Although an aging Betta is highly likely to fade as it nears its 5-year life expectancy mark, aquarium conditions, illness, and injuries are, unfortunately, common reasons for color changes. 

That said, make sure you feed the fish an enriching meat-heavy omnivorous diet, change the tank water often, and monitor the filter settings regularly to keep stress at bay. 

White Opal Betta Care

Water Conditions

Bettas are native to parts of Asia that enjoy a tropical climate most of the year. That said, place your White Opal Betta in a tank with a warm temperature that hovers between 77 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. What’s more, this unique fish is known to be a lousy swimmer that thrives in slow-moving waters in the wild, so make sure that the tank filter is not too strong. 

Tank Size

As a rule of thumb, a 5-gallon tank is enough to house one Betta fish. Although small and graceful, Betta fish are also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish due to their territorial nature. That said, they don’t get along with other fish of the same species. 


White Opal Bettas are omnivorous and require a protein-heavy diet of brine shrimp, bloodworms, frozen and live fish food, and so on. You may supplement these with pellets that have been formulated for Betta fish. However, ensure that you don’t overfeed the fish by only sprinkling as much as it can eat within three to five minutes. 

Tank Mates

Despite their innocent demeanor, White Opal Bettas are territorial and don’t do well in pairs — regardless of whether you place two males or a male with a female in the same tank. They do well on their own and can be perfectly happy with just one bowl or tank in which they live.

White Opal Betta Names

Now that you are ready to take care of a White Opal Betta, it’s time to bring one home. Although all Bettas come with unique personalities, naming them always makes things slightly more interesting. 

That said, you can always choose to name your fish after its white sheen. Snowball, Mayonnaise, Diamond, Dove, Ghost, Moonshine, Sugar, Swan, and Vanilla are some catchy name ideas for these white fish. 

However, you don’t need to pay tribute to its color and can even go in an opposite direction — perhaps, by naming it Raven or Panther!

Final Thoughts 

Red, white, black, and, of course, a shimmering white — there is a Betta fish to suit every pet owner’s taste in color. Nevertheless, the essential facts to remember are your fish’s specific needs and requirements that help retain its appearance. 

However, the color of a Betta fish does not only serve an aesthetic purpose. In fact, it may also reveal the fish’s feelings. That said, a color change may be a sign of growth and maturity. 

Or perhaps, it indicates the fish’s relieved state of mind on moving to an enriching environment after being caged in a confined space in the corner of a pet store. 

Similarly, a golden hue, white spots, or deteriorating color in a colored Betta fish may be symptoms of illness. So, don’t forget to keep a close watch on the changing colors of your White Opal Betta — whether you are simply admiring it or looking for signs of trouble. 

Is The Filter Too Strong for Betta? (3 Ways to Fix It)

Is The Filter Too Strong for Betta

Many myths surround the Betta fish – one of them being that this feisty breed does not like strong currents. 

However, the truth is that each Betta fish, like any other living organism, has a distinct personality, and some do enjoy going with the flow. At the same time, most Betta fish are lazy and get tired quickly when placed in a tank with a strong filter.

So, if you often see a Betta coming up to the surface for a quick breather, it’s time to ask yourself, “is my filter too strong for my Betta?”

How To Tell If Filter Is Too Strong For Betta?

A distressed pet can make any pet owner worried. After all, they rely on you to make their lives better. Unfortunately, there are many things out of our control that may be the source of their worries. However, you can control the current and filter settings for your Betta fish tank

That said, watch out for these tell-tale signs of a Betta fish that might be gasping for calm waters.

Struggling To Swim

Imagine you are out on the street in the middle of a storm, and the wind starts shoving you around. The same goes for Betta fish that are exposed to a strong current. As much as Betta fish are lazy, they still enjoy swimming around the tank. So, if you find them failing to glide with ease, you may want to turn down the current. 

However, it is worth noting that a Betta fish that has been transported from a small bowl or cup to a large aquarium recently may struggle to swim due to weak muscles. In this case, you should wait a while before altering the filter settings.

Swimming At An Angle

Although many marine animals swim in circles, Betta fish is not one of them. Apart from poor water quality, a strong filter may prevent the fish from swimming straight. 

If you notice the fish swimming at an angle, turn down the filter and observe its reaction. In case it continues swimming in the same manner, something fishier may be going on. That said, erratic swimming may be a symptom of illnesses, such as constipation, swim bladder disease, and dropsy

Floating Or Hiding

You may notice a Betta fish wedged into a plant or hiding behind aquarium decorations. Or perhaps, the fish hovers around the top or bottom of the tank – or wherever there are dead spots. 

Although Betta fish feel content in confined areas, they usually utilize a good amount of space when transferred to a bigger tank. That said, your Betta is most probably not shy but rather avoiding getting pushed around by the current. 

How Do I Make My Betta’s Filter Less Strong?

As long as you purchase the correct filter for the size of your aquarium, the current is probably just right to keep water conditions at an optimal level. However, Betta fish come from slow-moving streams and shallow ponds, and they are considered bad swimmers among fish. 

That said, you may have to be a bit creative to reduce the current without compromising water quality. Here are a few ways to go about it:

DIY Filter Baffle

To create a filter baffle, all you need is a used water bottle or plastic pop bottle, a marker, adhesive tape, and a pair of scissors. 

First, measure the filter output on your tank or simply place the bottle against it and mark its length on the bottle. Then, with a pair of scissors or a utility knife, cut along the marking. Make sure that you measure from the bottom and remove the bottleneck. 

If you are using a pop bottle, ensure that the bottle has been thoroughly washed with water and is free of any contaminants. Once it has dried, attach the bottle on its side to the filter outlet and adjust its placement. As a final step, use packing tape to secure your DIY filter baffle.

Decorate Your Tank

Indeed, aquarium decorations don’t just make the surroundings more beautiful for your pets. They also serve as a buffer against the current and a hiding place when your Betta wants some privacy.

That said, you can add plants, such as java fern and betta bulbs to slow down the current. In addition, underwater caves provide the perfect hideaway for Betta fish, whether or not the current is too strong for their liking.  

Invest In A New Filter

Sponge filters are cost-effective and easy to use. But the best part, of course, is that they allow you to adjust the current to replicate the Betta fish’s natural surroundings. 

Fortunately, most online pet supplies stores sell a plethora of adjustable filters for fish tanks. You can expect to pay only about $10-$20 for a filter that is well-suited for a 5-gallon tank.

Alternatively, you can buy a pre-filter sponge and attach it to the filter nozzle to reduce the current output. 

Final Thoughts 

Apart from being bad swimmers that are not acclimated to strong currents like saltwater fish, Betta fish are a unique breed that breathes in atmospheric air. Putting them in an aquarium with a strong current means they must continually fight to come up to the surface. 

In the long run, this causes them extreme physical and emotional stress, which may eventually lead to illnesses that may prove to be fatal. In fact, a Betta fish may avoid coming up for air altogether and damage its labyrinth – the specialized organ which facilitates its ability to breathe in oxygen directly. 

Not to mention how the fish won’t be able to catch or find its food that keeps floating away with the strong current. Needless to say, you must provide calm waters to your Betta fish so that it can stay calm all the time.

Betta Fish Eggs: Everything You Need to Know

Betta Fish Eggs

As an aquarist, watching your betta fish spawn is probably the most exciting gift of nature.

After all, from nest building to laying eggs, the entire process is interesting and unique in its own way. However, achieving good success rates from the get-go is not that easy; you’ll need preparation. 

And for that, it’s important to know all about the Betta fish eggs, including its size, color, and hatching time. That’s why we’re here today with a brief informative guide on everything an aquarist should know about breeding betta fish in a tank.

So, without further ado, let’s begin, shall we?

Here we’ll begin with the basic physical traits of the eggs and fry. And then move on to the roles of both the male and female bettas in the spawning journey. We’ll also highlight the factors, which might affect the hatching time and the number of eggs a female can lay at a time.

Do Betta Fish Lay Eggs or Give Birth?

How Do Betta Fish Eggs Look?

Ideally, a Betta fish egg is a small, white round ball, measuring one mm in size. However, they are not entirely round; rather, they are oval and non-uniform in shape.

On the contrary, the eggs of the mouthbrooder Betta fish are bigger, measuring somewhere between 2 and 3 mm, and they take a longer time to hatch. During the period of development, the eggs swallow a bit to turn more yellowish.

How Long Do Betta Fish Eggs Take To Hatch?

On average, Betta fish eggs take two to three days to hatch, but the mouthbrooder eggs may take longer – even up to 30 days. After hatching, the fry will begin eating from the yolk sack while still depending on the parent for primary care.

It usually takes an additional two to three days after hatching for them to start swimming and become independent. That said, the time Betta fish eggs take to hatch and survive will depend on the following factors.


Metabolism and digestion in fish are generally faster in higher water temperatures, affecting how fast the egg will hatch. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that betta fish eggs can hatch within 24 hours in temperatures between 79 and 82-degree Fahrenheit. But this doesn’t mean you should breed adult betta fish at these temperatures as they tend to die in warm conditions.

Betta Fish Species

The egg-hatching time may differ depending on the type of betta fish. While bubble-nested betta eggs hatch faster compared to their mouthbrooding counterparts, species like the macrostoma fish eggs might take over a month to hatch, let alone swim freely.

Water Quality

The quality of water will have a significant effect on the hatch rate. And poor water quality could, in fact, damage your betta fish eggs, possibly killing them in extreme cases. This is because of the presence of bacteria, metal, and other harmful substances that may disrupt the biological balance.

How Many Eggs Can A Betta Fish Lay?

The betta fish can produce around 30 to 100 eggs per batch on average; however, females can even lay up to 500 eggs in a single batch. On the other hand, mouthbrooder betta fish only lay around 10 to 20 eggs per batch; after all, the males hatch them in their mouth.

That said, the number of eggs a female can lay depends on the following factors:

Size Or Age

2 to 3 months is when betta fish are sexually mature, but even then, we’d suggest you refrain from breeding them at a younger age. It’s best to wait till the female is fully grown and reaches the male’s size.

Now, the ideal age to spawn Betta fish is around 6 to 8 months, as it’s when you’ll know the size of the full-grown females. They will also be mature enough to lay healthy eggs and handle the male Betta fish.

The female Betta will remain fertile almost their entire life, but eventually, they’ll become less fertile once they grow older (more than 2 to 3 years old). That’s when they’ll produce a fewer number of eggs.


Experienced betta fish know all about spawning, so if you’re breeding a female that has already spawned numerous times, she’ll more likely produce more eggs. Moreover, when both the male and female fish are experienced, there’s higher chances of fertilized eggs and higher survival rates.


It’s important to condition the Betta fish pair to increase the success rate of producing more eggs. In other words, feed the fish numerous times a day with high protein frozen and live food. Also, encourage breeding and egg production by showing them off to each other.

After all, even though Bettas can produce numerous eggs – not all of them will hatch to become healthy fry. The male usually eats a small part of the spawn to ensure that they can provide adequate care to the remaining Betta fish fry.

In some cases, the inexperienced ones might eat them all, which is normal. To reduce the chances of this, make sure your male Betta gets ample rest in a secure environment.

How Do You Know If The Betta Fish Eggs Are Fertilized?

The only way to ascertain whether or not the Betta fish eggs are healthy is if the batch is showing steady growth with gray spots. You’ll also be able to see the small fish inside the egg within a white yolk sack once it’s close to hatching.

How Often Can Betta Fish Lay Eggs?

Betta fish are highly productive creatures, so it’s no surprise that they can lay eggs every few weeks. But that might not always be the case.
A stressed or worn-out Betta fish may take longer to fill up the aquarium with little Betta fry. Also, the male Betta should be strong and experienced enough to fertilize the eggs.

Where Do Betta Fish Lay Eggs?

Betta fish, primarily the males, build bubble nests as their breeding behavior to create a safe habitat for the betta eggs and fry. And when the pair begins spawning, the male will place the eggs in the nest to care for the hatched fry.

The design and thought behind building these nests stem from how they live in the wild in shallow pools. With a steady environment and ample oxygen supply at the water surface, the nest will help protect the fry, especially during vulnerable days.

They use their breathing organ to build nests by blowing used air to the water surface. Ideally, parts of the water covered with plants and leaves are their favorite spots for building a nest. After all, the branches and leaves will provide extra protection, safeguarding the eggs from getting destroyed.


Can Betta Fish Lay Eggs Without a Mate?

Female betta fish can produce eggs without males, but the eggs won’t be able to hatch. Instead, they’ll rot, leading to the formation of ammonia in the water. While healthy betta females will always carry eggs, they’ll simply absorb and then recreate their eggs without a male.

What Should You Do After the Betta Fish Lays Eggs?

Once the female lays the eggs, remove her, and leave the male inside the tank till the eggs hatch. Then, remove the male as soon as you find that it sees the betta fry as food. 

Can Betta Fish Hatch Without a Bubble Nest?

Betta fish eggs can hatch without a bubble nest, but the babies or fry may not survive under normal conditions without it.

How to Know if a Female Betta is Laying Eggs?

If you notice bubble nests floating on the water surface of your tank, it means the betta fish is close to spawning. It will appear like a cluster of small bubbles. 

Once the male builds the nest, it will wait for a female to mate with. And after she lays the eggs, it will place them in the nest with the help of its mouth.

How Often Do Mouthbrooder Bettas Lay Eggs?

If you are not prepared to take care of hundreds of little Bettas, breeding mouthbrooders is a better option. They are a different species of Betta fish, which lay bigger eggs that hatch slower. Moreover, they usually lay less than 20 eggs at a time.


That sums up all the information we had to share on betta fish eggs. And we hope this helps you in your Betta fish breeding journey.

Getting to watch small white balls within the bubble-like nest means that the pair has spawned successfully. But always keep in mind that Bettas can produce up to even 400 eggs at once. And while all of them may not survive, there’s still a high chance of raising a lot of Betta fish babies.

On that note, we’ll conclude our guide on the topic. Feel free to share your breeding experiences in the comment section down below!

Why Did My Betta Fish Die? (& Was it My Fault?)

Why Did My Betta Fish Die

Betta fish is an elegant freshwater tropical fish with flowing fins and brilliant colors. Taking care of Betta fish tank is not easy but very rewarding, but it can be painful and shocking when you find your little guy floating lifelessly at the surface or stuck to the filter intake. It’s even more difficult to cope with when it’s a sudden death. 

When it happens, you’re left wondering, “Was it my fault? Why did my betta fish die suddenly?” 

Most of us don’t think of our Bettas suddenly dying with no warning, but there is always a reason. So, it is important to be aware of all potential risks and learn something that can prevent mortal mishaps in your future Betta fish. 

Why Did My Health and Happy Betta Fish Die Suddenly?

Betta owners often jump to conclusions in these cases – “My betta fish is sick” – when in reality, he will exhibit many signs of those suspected sicknesses. The most common causes of sudden death in health and happy Bettas in a healthy established tank involved:

Unreliable Heater

First and foremost, we want the tank heater to be reliable and accurate in maintaining water temperatures at the set temperature. For a Betta fish, the ideal temperature is between 74 and 82 degrees. An unreliable heater can raise the temperature to 90 degrees or even more, which could easily kill any fish. 

So, what can you do?

A good tank heater is essential and can prevent this from happening again. The Cobalt Neo-Therm Heater is the only one I can trust. It comes with a slim design and is extremely accurate and stable. What’s more, it will shut the power off automatically when it reaches the set temperature, which is a must- especially something that leads to the tank temperature rising, such as a summer heatwave. The Cobalt heater is not cheap, but it’s worth the peace of mind. 

Decorations-Related Injuries

It is essential to always be on the lookout for tank decorations that may result in your Betta dying. Sometimes Betta fish die suddenly and unexpectedly because they can snag themselves on something previously unnoticed by the owner, such as decorations with pointed ends or small spaces between stones where they could get stuck inside of it. 

Injuries from tank decorations will get them infected quickly by bacterias or parasites in the water, causing death. Although we can use API Master Test Kit to test water quality, we can’t test bacterias or parasites. 

Some fishkeepers get so excited to put the cute decorations found somewhere that untreated to the tank. It’s fun, right? Believe it or not, this is where the problem comes in. These things, such as ceramics that can leach chemicals and heavy metals or shells and corals that add calcium in the tank, could lead to death.

So how do we avoid this?

You should never add sharp edges and untreated decorations to your tank. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. 

Bad Genetics

If you have tested the water parameters, looked at the latest fish-keeping practices, and ensured you’ve done everything right. Then you should consider this question “How long did you have your little boy?” 

Pet stores breed Bettas in huge numbers, and they don’t monitor closely on their genetics, so Betta tends to have bad genetics. 

What can we do?

All we can do is get a healthy Betta fish from a local breeder instead of stores like PetSmart or Petco. I know it’s easy to get discouraged, but believe me, it’s worthing the time. 

Why Did My New Betta Fish Die?

As a beginner, you don’t have the ninja skills to take your first Betta fish properly. In most cases, you have done something wrong that causes the Betta fish to die suddenly. Here are some common mistakes:

Poor Water Conditions

Poor water quality means dead fish and can make your little boy more susceptible. Clean water in a tank is a critical component of his health. The water quality can change suddenly in many different ways. 

Ammonia and nitrite are two of the many common problems that can arise in your tank. For any fish owners, it is smart to invest in an API Freshwater Master Kit to measure the water parameters, including ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH level. 

To thrive, you want to strive for the perfect water conditions. The ammonia and nitrite levels should be as close to zero as possible, while your nitrates are limited below 20 ppm to maintain an environment that is healthy for all of its inhabitants!

It is also essential to try to keep a steady pH level; even your little guy can adjust to different pH levels. He prefers calm water with a pH between 6.8 and 7.5 to survive. Too high or too low is fatal. 

As you might know, the Betta killer “Dropsy” is typically caused by bad water quality. A healthy Betta fish has a strong immune system that can Betta deal with infections, but poor water will make them vulnerable to sickness. 

One of the biggest problems is that the filter is no longer doing its job, and this means your tank will start to turn into a toxic soup. You need to have a low-flow filter in the tank to oxygenate the water, establish a tiny ecosystem, keep the water clean and remove any ammonia from it.


Overfeeding is the most common mistake made by new fish owners. In most cases, they overfeed the Betta by good intention because “oh, look at him, he just looked so hungry.” 

The right diet is the key to having the best betta fish experience possible. The recommended feeding schedule is two or four pellets per day, once or twice per day. If you give him too much, excess waste can lead to poor tank condition rapidly. 

Photo: myaquariumclub

On the other hand, overfeeding can also cause algae and bacterial outbreaks in your tank. Anything that makes a plant grow will also contribute to algae growth. When the “crash” occurs, a rapid decline in dissolved oxygen can result in fish kills. 

How to prevent?

Personally, to prevent overfeeding in the future, I would like to fast my little boy on the weekends and treat him with some bloodworms on Monday and Friday. 

An Uncycled Tank

This is one of the most common mistakes for beginners. You find a tank you like, then add water and dechlorinator, you think it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for – it’s time to add the betta fish! After all, they are anabantids that can survive in harsh environments where most other species would perish. 

Either way, a new tank has to go through the long and confusing process of cycling. Ammonia and nitrates from uncycled tanks can be dangerous and even lethal for your Betta fish, as they will quickly harm or kill any living beings in small concentrations.

What to do?

To protect your Betta fish from sudden death, you should take the time to cycle the tank properly. Research how different types of tanks cycle as well as which type may work better for you. It will take time to grow and adjust before they’re ready to add any fish, so be patient!

Inappropriate Tank Size

Photo: snowchandler

Betta fish should never be in a tiny tank like you see at the store. Sure he’ll survive for a while. Many people think that it’s okay to put Bettas in small containers. I know how resilient they are, but their survival doesn’t mean thriving, and these little guys need room to grow! 

What tank size should I get?

To avoid your Betta dying suddenly due to the stress or diseases caused by the polluted water in a small tank, pick up at least a 5-gallon tank for your little guy. The bigger the tank, the healthier your Betta, the easier it will be to maintain. 

Low Temperatures

Some keepers mistakenly think that Betta fish don’t need a heater. This is not true in most cases, and a heater is usually necessary for their tank. As we mentioned before, unlike goldfish, Betta fish are tropical, and you need to keep their water temperatures between 75-80 degrees if you want him to be healthy and live a long life.

For a Betta fish, cool water will cause stress, illness and premature death. The cold can be brutal on your aquarium – even if you live in a warm climate. During the night, when it’s likely to drop below 70° F (21 °C), tank water will rapidly cool and could lead to sick fish or ich outbreaks. 

Does a Betta Need a Heater?

It’s best to include a heater in your tank to maintain the Betta’s temperature consistently. You should be aware that even the very small heaters may heat the temperature too much if you have a tiny tank for your Betta. 

Incompatible Tankmates

Incompatible tankmate is another common cause of sudden death in Bettas. There are certain fish that bettas can live with, but they require special care. 

Many types of anabantids or any type with flowing fins may provoke aggression in bettas. These fishes represent a particularly dangerous threat because they might look similar to another male betta- causing them more stress and even death their aggression and stress that may result in death. 

If your Betta died after you introduce a new member, then that’s probably the cause.

So how do we avoid this?

You should never keep your Betta fish with tank mates in a tank under 10 gallons. They will constantly fight until they eventually kill each other. If you are looking to add tank mates with your Betta, do some research and make sure they won’t be aggressive and dangerous.

Large Water Changes

The water chemistry in a healthy, established aquarium is carefully balanced with resident fish, plants and bacteria colonies. Large quantities of water changes are going to cause bacteria to die off and stress your Betta a little bit, causing death. 

What’s the best way?

We must be careful when changing water. A 100% water change for your Betta is not a normal thing and should be avoided. You should perform water changes slowly. I shoot for about 20%-40% water changes once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the size of the tank. 

Unexpected Toxins

Even the smallest amount of toxins can be fatal to your beloved Betta queen. Toxic materials like bug spray, natural body oils on your hand, soap and perfume can lead to death if the tank water becomes contaminated with these items. 

Let’s straighten things out here:

  1. Protect your tank from contamination by using a good cover.
  2. Don’t use chemicals to clean the algae.
  3. Don’t add untreated decoration into your tank
  4. Test your tap water (City water) before adding it to your tank 
  5. Wash your hands with unscented soap first before reaching into a tank.


Stress is the biggest cause of sudden death. That’s why managing stress levels are so important to make sure you keep them healthy at all times! Stress builds adrenal cortisol hormones and weakens their immune system that can kill your Betta eventually.

Many issues can contribute to it. 

  1. Your tank is too small – if you have a tank that is smaller than 5 gallons, then your Betta will become stressed out very quickly.
  2. Overcrowding in the tank – Overcrowding is a common Betta killer. The more you overcrowd your fish, the less space they have to swim around in and any potential ammonia problem becomes all too likely. 
  3. Lack of hiding places: As solitary fish, Betta fish tend to be more stressed in a community tank. So, they need some hiding places to relax, or else they will get stressed. A decoration or rock cave is fine.
  4. A strong filter – May push Betta around in a small tank, which can stress them out. 


If you’re a betta fish owner or plan on becoming one soon, it’s important to know the different types of illnesses and diseases they can get. 

The common diseases and illnesses of betta fish include: 

Fungal infections are always found among Betta fish with a history of illness, such as fish fungus and fin & tail rot. 

Bacterial infections are typically traced back to poor water conditions and bad tank maintenance, such as Columnaris, popeye, Dropsy, cloud eye, etc. 

Parasitic diseases generally happen when you introduce new fish to the tank. These most contagious ailments include Velvet, Ich, Anchor Worms, and Hole in the Head. 

Why Do Betta Fish Die Suddenly?

It is always heartbreaking when you lose your Betta, and you’re not alone. I hope this article was helpful for fishkeepers who have lost fish and are trying to figure out why. I tried to cover all of the reasons why Betta fish die, but if you think I missed something, let me know in the comments below! 

Don’t give up, and good luck with your future Betta!

Help! I Have Constipated Betta! What Do I Do?

Constipated Betta Fish

Can Betta Fish Become Constipated? Yes, Betta bettas can indeed get constipated. Constipation is a common problem for all fish, especially laterally compressed ones. Goldfish and Bettas are two types that seem more prone to it. 

If you are planning to own these stunning, endlessly fascinating fish, you’ll want to know what to do in the event of having a constipated Betta fish. We’re going to take a closer look at not only how bettas can get constipated but solutions to help them feel better in no time at all.

So, without further delay, let’s dive right in!

How to Tell If Your Betta Fish is Constipated(The Symptoms)

Constipation and indigestion can be diagnosed at home by monitoring your Betta’s behaviors, appearance, and appetite. If you observe that your fish is suffering from the following signs, take note and start taking steps towards treatment:

Constipated Betta signs and symptoms caused by inflammation of nasal passages include:

Bloated Belly

Constipated Betta has a Bloated Belly

The first sign of constipated betta fish is its distended and bloated belly. When your betta fish cannot pass foods out of their bowels, it’s going to start expanding. And the longer that they remain constipated, the bigger their belly will grow.

Betta Constipation or Dropsy?


However, a bloated belly can be caused by more than just constipation. Dropsy disease(which is more a symptom of an actual disease/infestation than a disease itself) can also contribute to the bloat. In most cases, Dropsy is often a result of Kidney failure, which causes swelling and fluid retention. How can you tell the difference between dropsy and constipation? The condition can be identified by the classic “pinecone” look (raised scales make the fish look like a pine cone) that it gives to an afflicted betta’s body.

Not Eating, Less Poop

One of the main signs that your betta fish is constipated includes not eating and less poop. For healthy and active Bettas, they will have a voracious appetite and never ignore their food. If you notice that your Betta is refusing food and not eating, this could be a good indicator for constipation. 

It’s also important to evaluate the color and texture of his poop. Healthy feces should appear dark brown in color and will sink right down into the substrate. However, if you notice a pale-colored stringy substance that often remains attached to him as he swims around- chances are your little buddy has been constipated. 

Lethargic Behavior

Constipated bettas will swim sluggishly, occasionally slowly following other fish around the tank, lingering on the bottom or hanging out at the surface in the corner of the tank. Any Betta fish with any of these lethargic behaviors means he doesn’t feel well, and constipation could be the cause. 

Uncontrolled Swimming


When your bettas are constipated, they quite often develop problems with their swim bladders. You will find that it’s hard for them to swim upright or reach the surface of the water without sinking. Your little guy may float nose down, and sometimes, he will swim on his side. These erratic, uncontrolled swimming behaviors are all classic symptoms of swim bladder disease(SBD), which is sometimes involved in constipation, can be cured by feeding some daphnia and keeping water clean. 

Specific Causes Of Constipation In Betta Fish

Now that you know for certain that it’s constipation, you can start to look at the best options for treatment. However, this doesn’t mean you should rush out and buy the first product you find or try the first idea that someone suggests to you.

The first step in the treatment stage is in knowing exactly where the constipation is coming from. The answer to this question can go a long way towards informing the specific care you give them. If the treatment method isn’t the right one, you’re going to find yourself treating it repeatedly. We want a long-term solution, as opposed to a short one.

Here are some of the most common causes of constipation among betta fish:

Poor Diet

This is one of the first possibilities you will want to explore. We know that betta fish are carnivores. What some fail to appreciate is that even though this is true, you still need to make sure they are getting the right amount of fiber.

This is again something we share with Betta. Most animals, without the necessary fiber intake, will become bloated and constipated. Betta fish are generally up to eat anything you give them, as long as it comes with meat. That doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you should be feeding them.

Dried Food

A betta fish that only eats flakes or freeze-dried food is at risk for constipation. In fact, most fish that live off the appropriate amount of fiber or roughage often develop constipation issues and other health complications. Dry foods will expand in the gut because they absorb moisture during digestion, can contribute to constipation. I soak my dry food in the tank for about ten to fifteen minutes before I feed it. This helps break down any hard pieces that might be too difficult on sensitive digestive systems.

Betta Fish And Live Food

When we say that even with the best betta pellet foods on the market, your bettas may need more, this is what we’re talking about.

Remember what we said earlier about fiber? This is where the pellets are unfortunately going to fail you. This is true of even the top pellet products for bettas. While they will provide your bettas with a plethora of crucial nutrients, they aren’t going to give them everything. For that, you’re going to need live food in the diet. A diet with this attention to balance all but guarantees you won’t have to worry about constipation.

Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia are three of the best live food for betta fish options out there. However, these high-protein fish foods are notorious for causing constipation, especially Bloodworms. Bloodworms also called “Betta Candy”, are one of the avoided foods that can cause constipation due to their shape and high protein & iron content. But there is a way to help prevent this problem: feed them sparingly and as treats only!

More On Overfeeding Betta Fish

Whether it’s the high-protein diet that bettas thrive on or just because they love to eat, overfeeding your betta fish can cause constipation. Bettas are gutty fish and will keep eating even when they’re completely full up; that’s why it’s important to only feed them a couple of times per day for no more than a few minutes each time. Otherwise, you might find yourself with an unhappy little guy who is as bloated as he looks!

A Word On The Value Of A Large Tank For Bettas

If none of the above applies to you, the problem with your Betta might just be a lack of exercise. The value of exercise for bettas isn’t always something that occurs to people. This is why we always tell people to get a tank large enough for everyone in it to be happy. Not only do Betta like to have space to eat, rest, and even hide, but they also like to have space to move around. If the tank is too small, they can’t do that.

Small, cramped surroundings can also prove to be highly stressful for bettas, which can influence diet and lead to constipation.

Your tank should be five gallons at the very least. We would suggest something larger.

What Are The Best Treatment Options For Constipated Betta?

Lets’ wrap things up with a look at some of the best treatments for constipation in betta fish. Fishkeepers will often medicate for Dropsy or SBD, only to have the problem worsen. The first step in any symptoms where a betta fish is bloated from an unknown cause should be treated as constipation unless you found other disease symptoms.  

No matter what treatment you choose to alleviate your constipation, the first steps are always the same. 


Fasting for more than 3 days is not recommended. It’s important for your Betta fish to maintain proper nutrition as well as keep the gastrointestinal system functioning properly so that they can shed parasites/pathogens on a regular basis as needed.

Water Changes

 If your tap water isn’t crazy bad, I recommend doing a 30-50% water change daily with treated tap water and using Seachem Prime to help remove chlorine, free-floating bacteria and protozoan population.

Warmer water

I also recommend you turn the heater up a degree or two to speed up his metabolism. 

If this does not work, then you may need to use one of the following additional methods:

Feeding them Frozen Daphnia Instead of Peas

If your little guy will eat, try to get him to eat frozen daphnia that you can find at many pet stores. Daphnia acts as a laxative and works with his digestive system than peas. Unfortunately, many fishkeepers believe feeding bettas peas will help their digestion, but it can harm them because they are insectivores who don’t digest plant matter well!

Last Resort: Epsom Salt

If he’s still constipated and daphnia hasn’t helped, Epsom Salt is probably the best bet to treat a constipated betta fish.

What’s Epsom Salt Do?

Epsom Salt, aka Magnesium sulfate, is easily found nearly anywhere. It can be used as a salt laxative and to reduce swelling for humans. Epsom salt with 1tsp/gal works as a laxative and helps reduce swelling that may be caused by disease or infection. It also can relieve the pressure caused by the Betta GI tract.

Make sure only to use unscented, undyed Epsom when medicating your fish. It would be best to have an Epsom salt bath with 100% water changes daily. 

How to prepare Epsom salt bath:

  1. Fill your QT container very with clean, treated water. (1-gallon fish-only container would be fine)
  2. Add 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of Epsom salt (Not aquarium salt) to the QT container.
  3. Stir it well until it’s completely dissolved.
  4. Get your Betta fish from its tank, gently put it into the QT container and leave them in 5 minutes. Please pay close attention to its gills to ensure that the fish does not go unconscious due to the sudden change in salinity. If the Betta gets extremely stressed, send it back to its tank. 
  5. Mix the water the fish came from in its tank into your QT container so that you have 1/3 salt water and 2/3 tank water. Leave them there for another 10-15 minutes, then put them into their tank. 

How long does my Betta stay in this salt bath?

We highly recommend doing this safely 5 times a day for severe symptoms. If you’re lucky and catch an ailment early, one treatment will work. After 3 days, if your Betta fish does not show improvement, it is time to look for more vital medication. 

Don’t Give Up!

Constipated Bettas are a stubborn problem for fishkeepers and can be caused by many reasons. I hope this article was helpful for those who have a constipated Betta and are trying to figure out how to cure it. I tried to cover all of the reasons and treatments, but if you think I missed something, let me know in the comments below.

Good luck with your little boy!

How Long Can Betta Fish Go Without Food?

How Long Can Betta Fish Go Without Food

All living things need food to survive. Your Betta is no exception. Without it, your little guy would get sick or eventually die. Bettas often lose their appetite and refuse to eat from time to time. This is understandably upsetting for fishkeeping beginners, who often start wondering how long can betta fish go without food?

In many cases, don’t worry too much. These types of fasts are not that bad, which will resolve themselves in short order. No mentioned that they could actually be healthy for your Betta fish.

But at other times, it could mean that there’s a serious health problem going on – like constipated. 

In this article, we will try to give insights into the problem so that at least one of your struggles eases up just a little bit. 

Let’s dive right in!

How Long Can a Betta Fish Live Without Food?

Most adult Betta fish can go up to 14 days without food- but this only holds true if your little buddy is healthy! Just because he doesn’t need sustenance as often as other pets (birds or dogs) doesn’t mean his body isn’t going through changes when deprived of nutrients. 

How long does it take for a betta fish to starve?

After 5-6 days of no eating, they’ll enter starvation mode, which causes stress levels to increase and disease contraction. 

If you’re going on vacation, I recommend that you never leave your Betta alone for more than a week. It’s crucial for your Betta Fish to maintain proper nutrition as well as keep the gastrointestinal system functioning properly. 

Betta Fish who are suffering from underlying health problems may not be able to survive as long without food.

How to Feed Betta Fish While on Short Vacation

As mentioned above, a Betta fish begins to starve after 4 to 5 days without eating. So there is no worry about leaving your Betta fish while on a short vacation.  

Fasting Your Betta Fish on the Weekends

Bettas are never shy about food and should be eating voraciously, which is a good sign of their health. However, constipation- yes, your little guy will get constipated, happens when you feed them too much. 

While constipation is a common ailment in Betta Fish, it’s still not great for your little guy. Severe constipation can lead your betta fish into Swim Bladder Disorder (SBD), which means it has difficulty balancing itself or even floating at all. 

To prevent or constipation or avoid overfeeding in the future, fast your Betta fish 1-2 days every week is recommended, which gives their digestive system enough time to break down the food consumed in the past few days. As you might know, adult Betta Fish in the wild usually fast for a day every so often. 

I fast my boy on the weekends, and Monday is one of his treat days (and Friday). He’ll be rewarded with some bloodworms at the end of the fast! Having a feeding routine is essential to keep Betta Fish healthy and happy.

Pro tip: Feed them Daphnia along with fasting to flush their entire digestive system out if Bloodworms are a large part of your little boy's diet. 

Before You Leave

To keep your betta fish healthy while on a short vacation, we recommended doing a large water change before leaving and as soon as you return. For a smaller 3-gallon aquarium, it would be 80%, while for larger 5-10 gallon tanks, you’ll need 50%.

Feed your betta fish some high-protein food with plenty of meat content before you go, like thawed bloodworms. Don’t overfeed. Use the same portion size as you would use during regular feeding. 

You can also try to create a low-stress environment in the aquarium by keeping the lights off or keep them in a big tank. The larger the fish tank, the safer it is for you to leave it without care.

How to Feed Betta Fish While on Long Vacation

Are you planning to go on a long vacation soon? If so, then you need to figure out is how not to starve your Betta fish while you’re away. Without a proper meal for more than a week, Betta can get sick. 

Don’t Take Your Betta!

If you are apprehensive about whether you should take your little guy along with you on a long vacation, the answer is “No,” don’t take your Betta, too many things to go wrong and too much stress. 

Fortunately, there are many options available for taking care of them during holiday and vacation periods. The ultimate goal is to let your Betta go unfed while you are away. 

Have Someone Feed Him

The safe option is getting someone to feed him by following your feeding routine. If it’s an option, ask a close friend or relative to take care of your Betta while you’re gone. 

If it’s not possible for someone to watch over your Betta, consider posting an ad on Craiglist asking for people who would be interested in looking after them during these periods.

However, unless you have someone who has experience in fish keeping, it would be best to leave explicit instructions on feeding amounts. People kill the Fish by good intention – feeding in excess because “oh he just looked so hungry.” 

It may be worth your peace of mind by giving the sitter a pillbox to ration out your Betta’s food. Ensure they are aware of how important it is to follow the ration and don’t overfeed. 

Are Vacation Feeders Good for Betta Fish?

There are two types of vacation feeders to match your needs, one where Betta fish food is wrapped by a white block, and the other style mixes the fish food in a gel. The blocks dissolve over time, and Betta Fish can eat what’s inside! 

The product is marketed as being able to “slowly dissolve” in order to produce an even distribution of nutrients throughout your aquarium tank; however, this isn’t always true. 

These vacation feeders are terrible! Most of the time, they can’t deliver foods to fish effectively. The blocks dissolve at different rates, and there is not a standard rate that they go. This means you may get one block that lasts for two weeks without dissolving or you might receive one that releases 20-50 pellets in just 24 hours!

They just end up clouding and causing water quality changes, which is fatal for your fish during vacations. Avoid vacation feeders as much as possible for your Betta’s sake!

Can I Rely on Automatic Fish Feeders?

For the most part, yes, automatic feeders are an excellent way to keep your fish well-fed, and they’re especially useful for vacations longer than one week or more. While we are here are talking about these high-end models. 

Automatic feeders come in both electric and battery-operated models. With timers that allow you set feeding times every day of varying duration. The food-holding dispenser opening is adjustable so your fish will get just the right amount at each feeding!

The problem with automatic feeders comes when you choose cheap models, particularly from lesser-known brand names. Many people have lost their beloved Betta due to these cheap automatic feeders.

Cheap ones tend to malfunction and are typically ineffective – often dump all amounts into the tank at once or don’t drop food at all. A ton of food dumped into your tank results in the ammonia levels rise that will kill your Betta. On the other hand, they can ruin the Betta fish food due to the moisture infiltration. 

Ehiem automatic feeder is the only one that I would recommend. It’s easy to adjust the portion size, quality build, batteries last a long time, and the most important is it works consistently.

Author note: Using food in pellet form instead of flakes if you want to feed only a small amount each time. Different-sized food could get stuck. 

Your little guys will rely on the feeders when you are away, so don’t cheap out. If you have time, set it up and test it for a few days how the machine works with your food. 

Now, there are the last two things you need to consider. The batteries will eventually run out if you get a battery-powered one, and you might run into problems with short circuits if you have a plugin one. It’s still important not to rule out this possibility, even if the odds are slim.

Final Thoughts

So for a quick recap, your little boys can go over 7 days without food. Better for them to fast than be overfed. If you are leaving for vacation for more than a week, ask for your friend or find a neighbor kid to come by and drop a few pellets. An Ehiem automatic feeder could also be a helper during vacation. 

That’s all there is to it! I hope that you can find some value in this article. Enjoy your vacation!