Betta Fish Spitting out Food: Why Does It Happen?

Betta Fish Spitting out Food

Betta fish are absolutely charming in their appearance, and their quirks give them their unique personality. This interactive fish is a bundle of joy and entertainment for their owners, and they quickly make their way into your heart. A common concern amongst new betta owners is betta fish spitting out food.

While this seems alarming, the reasons behind it are things you can quickly treat. Bettas tend to be greedy with their food intake, so spitting out food is not something to be worried about.

Here are a few reasons behind why your betta fish is not swallowing food and how you can help in resolving the problems.

Why Does My Betta Fish Spitting out Food

When your betta fish starts spitting out food, the situation can obviously be alarming; however, the reasoning behind them is not as dangerous as you may think. Here are some of the most common reasons why your betta fish is spitting out food and how you can help them.

Portion Too Big For Your Betta Fish (Most Common Reason)

One of the most prevalent causes why your betta fish could be spitting out food, is due to the size of the food itself. The size of the stomach is as large as the eye, so their capability to digest food depends a lot on the size of the food they consume.

Certain pellets are larger than the size of the betta’s eye so they might spit out the food that is simply too large to digest. However, this does not mean that the betta is not consuming food at all. In fact, it might be taking tiny bites from the food that is easier for it to swallow. The spitting process may actually be the betta trying to break off the food into digestible parts.

Your Betta Fish May Have Digestion Issues

Another reason behind any betta fish spitting out food could be digestive issues. Digestive problems are pretty common amongst bettas, so it is possible that your betta might be going through the same. This is not something you be worried about.

For most cases, the digestive issue at hand is constipation. You can easily deduce whether your fish has constipation based on its defecation schedules. If it hasn’t been regularly defecating, then there is definitely a case of constipation. To treat this, you need to make sure that your betta fasts for 2 to 3 s days and then proceed to feed it daphnia.

Check out our full guide on constipation, or more information on why daphnia are so good for bettas!)

The Betta Fish Is Still Young

If you’ve recently brought a new betta fish, there’s a chance that your betta is still relatively young. Young bettas are only to be provided with live food for easy digestion, however, if you’re serving them pellets and flakes instead, there’s a high chance that they might not be accustomed to digesting this type of food.

You should switch up the diet of your fish. Often brands offer different kinds of sizes and quality of food that you can try out to find the perfect fit for your betta. Once you’ve found a suitable variety, then you can slowly build up with venturing into different types of pellets and flakes. Again, size is essential when feeding your betta, so make sure you’re choosing appropriately sized food when feeding your betta.

(Check out the ultimate betta fish feeding guide.)

Their Stomachs May Have Parasites

Occasionally, betta’s stomach can get parasite infested. These organisms can hamper the digestion of food significantly. So, even if your betta is hungry, it may not be able to gulp food properly and might spit it all out.

In case you think that your fish has an infected stomach, it’s best to quarantine it in a separate tank, so it doesn’t affect other fish. One other symptom of having a parasite is trouble while swimming. In this situation, it is always best to contact a vet to make sure that the situation is handled correctly, and the betta is dewormed effectively.

An Unaware Betta Fish

Aside from the large betta size of the food, another common cause why your betta fish spitting out his food is your betta simply being unaware or dumb. Most times, the betta can be unaware of the fact that what he is being fed is actually food and needs to be digested. This is a common situation amongst most bettas.

The only way to contest this is by feeding him whatever you’re providing as usual. While the betta may reject it at first, the hunger will force it to start consuming the food over time. 

Just be careful that if the betta refuses to consume the food within the first 10 minutes, it’s best to remove the food from the tank. This is because if you do not get rid of the food from the container, the food will decay slowly and cause a rise in the ammonia levels within the environment of the tank, which could affect the fish adversely.

Credit: Diana MacPherson

What Should I Feed My Betta Fish?

One way you can avoid all food-related problems for your betta is by selecting the right kind of betta fish food. Pellets and flakes are popular options that swell in size after consumption. Additionally, a protein-rich diet is necessary to fulfill the needs of the carnivorous betta.

In wild habitats, betta fish rely on insects and larvae as their primary diet. Alongside some plant matter, the protein intake was mainly through the exoskeletons of insects and their wings. You can mimic this diet by using frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and even mosquito larvae.

Maintaining an appropriate diet for your betta is a great way in making sure that there aren’t any problems with digestion of the food and that the betta doesn’t spit out the food.


Most times the issue behind the betta fish spitting out food lies in the nature of the food itself. By maintaining a good diet and getting frequent checkups with the doctor, you can be assured that the food spitting issue is nothing to be too worried about.

Betta Fish Flaring: Why Betta Fish Flare And Is It Bad For Them?

Betta Fish Flaring

The first thing you need to understand about betta fish flaring is that it does not inherently mean something is wrong with your betta. Flaring can essentially be described as a defense mechanism. It is their means of establishing dominance, acknowledging threats, and other scenarios along similar lines.

What Exactly Is Flaring in Betta Fish?

The actual act of “flaring” refers to when your betta puffs out its gills. This is done to give them a larger appearance. Knowing this makes it easier to see why it is used defense. In the wild, it can be quite successful at keeping predators away.

The betta fish flaring behavior can make it more difficult for predators to get them. This makes the behavior inherently valuable. It is not something you will simply be able to stop them from doing in the aquarium you have set up for them.

At the same time, it is still a good idea to understand what flaring can mean from one situation to the next. This extends to knowing the triggers which can cause a betta fish to flare in the first place.

Why Is My Betta Fish Flaring?

Let’s start by covering the range of possibilities for a betta flaring fins up. We already understand that this is a response to something they perceive to be a threat. What you want to be able to do at this point is know exactly what is causing the behavior. A little flaring is fine. It can even be beneficial, which we will discuss in detail later. However, too much flaring can be harmful.

Why do betta fish flare up most often? 

That would be the presence of another male betta in the tank. Of all the things that seem to bother bettas, there are territorial male bettas or other tank mates in the tank tops the list. This will almost always cause both male bettas to start flaring up. 

Bettas are known as “Siamese fighting fish”, they can escalate to fighting, which can damage, or even kill, one or both of the bettas. It is for this reason alone that two males should not be put in the same tank together, barring special circumstances or efforts to keep them as distanced as possible.

Remember that male bettas are extremely territorial. Keeping this in mind will help to inform how you interact with and care for your betta fish. Obviously, you want to avoid behaviors that can cause them to flare out. There are a couple to that end worth noting.

If you’re interested in knowing about 50+ tank mates that can live with your betta fish then check out this HUGE list of betta tank mates!

Is Betta Fish Flare Always A Sign Of Aggression

Before we cover some of the other triggers associated with flaring, let’s make one thing perfectly clear.

The act of your betta flaring up in of itself is fine. If you notice the betta doing this for a few seconds each day, it is almost a certainty that they are fine. A little flaring is good, if you think of it in the same sense as you would if you got up to stretch, after sitting down for a long time. Flaring for a few moments each day is essentially your betta getting in some exercise. It helps them stay in shape.

Having said that, there is still a point in which your betta fish is flaring too much. This can have serious repercussions, if you don’t address the specific reason for this behavior.

If your betta isn’t stressing out over the presence of another male, there are at least a couple of other possibilities you’re going to want to be on the lookout for.

Why Does My Betta Flare at Me?

While it is not altogether common for bettas to flare up at their owners, this is something that can happen occasionally. There are always going to be stories from those who found their betta flaring up when they fed them, or even flaring when they tried to initiate a game with them (such as moving a finger along the tank for them to chase). Does this mean your betta doesn’t like you?

Your betta flaring at you is merely a response to perceived aggression. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you. In particular, bettas who are new to your home are likely to do some flareups in the beginning. New surroundings are always going to make your betta a little bit nervous. You want to do everything possible to ensure their transition to new surroundings goes as smoothly as possible.

How Do Bettas See The World?

In all likelihood, your betta just needs time to get used to you, to its surroundings, or even to both of these things. Limit your interactions, as they get used to you. If a certain behavior has suddenly brought about this behavior, try to limit the behavior in question as much as possible. Patience above all else, as this helps your betta fish to get comfortable with new settings, your hands, or whatever the case may be.

It can also be helpful to understand a little more about betta eyesight, as well.

Start with remembering that bettas are unable to see you as distinctly as you can see them. Beyond the fact that the eyes for humans and bettas are set in different places on the body, bettas tend to see the world in colors, vibrations, and actions from nearby objects or entities. The betta fish is going to do its best to defend itself with respect to these qualities.

In other words, moving as slowly as possible, and giving your betta fish time to adjust to things, are going to be your two best bets for getting them to stop flaring.

You might also be interested in: Top 7 Betta Fish Tanks 2020

Do Bettas Really Flare At Their Reflections?

This is another potential trouble area you want to keep an eye on. Remembering what we said above about how bettas actually see their surroundings, you should be able to see this as a distinct possibility for triggering a flare-up.

Do bettas know when they are looking into their own reflection? The answer unfortunately is NO. If they can see themselves on a regular basis, they will likely respond to the perceived threat by flaring up. As far as they are concerned, another male bettas has just entered their tank.

How to Stop A Betta Flaring Too Much?

If you know for a fact that a reflection is causing the flares, there are a few things you can do. The most useful will likely be to change up the lighting in the room. Moving exterior sources of light from your tank can eliminate the likelihood of the betta fish seeing its reflection on certain sides of the tank.

If you can’t manipulate this lighting, try to move the tank itself. If this doesn’t work either, or is not possible, your next step will be to make some changes to the lights in the aquarium itself. Don’t forget that bettas generally do not like a lot of bright lights.

Now, let’s get deeper into the subject of why constant flare-ups can be highly damaging to your betta fish. To be sure, there are many, many reasons why you don’t want to let this behavior continued unchecked for a prolonged period of time.

is flaring bad for bettas

Is Flaring Really Bad For Betta Fishes?

As we mentioned before, flaring up for a few moments each day is not cause for alarm. All that means is that your betta fish is getting in a little exercise. These momentary stretches can also offer you a good opportunity to take a closer look at your bettas fins, gills, and so forth. If you are concerned about fin rot in your betta, or any other condition, use these opportunities to see more of them than you normally would.

Prolonged, consistent flareups can cause damage to your bettas on several levels. This is why you should take steps to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Since flaring up is a response to a perceived threat, you have to assume that entering such a state is highly stressful to the betta fish. After all, they believe their existence is being threatened or challenged. The emotional stress which induces the flaring up behavior in the first place can take both a physical and emotional toll.

On the physical side of things, it can cause them to become more susceptible to diseases and conditions. This is due to the fact that constant stress can lower a betta’s immunity. They may also decide to stop eating, which can worsen an immune system even further. If the stress stretches un unabated, your betta is going to become extremely sick.

Yes, you can restore a betta to good health again. It just becomes very difficult, once certain conditions have set in. To reiterate an earlier point, you are going to want to deal with the cause of your betta flaring up as soon as you possibly can.


A little flaring is okay for a betta fish. When you get to the point in which this behavior is ongoing, keep in mind all of the suggestions and warning signs we’ve discussed here. A betta flaring for “no reason” is generally something that can be dealt with on your own. As long as you take to heart the importance of addressing the stressor ASAP, you shouldn’t have anything to really worry about.

Bloodworms For Betta Fish: Is It a Good Idea?

Bloodworms For Betta Fish

Live Bloodworms

As the name implies, this means buying bloodworms who are still alive, moving around. Since you’re feeding your betta fish the bloodworm in its most natural form, you stand to get the best possible range of nutrients. Compelling the betta fish to hunt the bloodworm can also be highly stimulating and beneficial in its own right. 

However, buying them isn’t very cost-effective, unless you have several bettas. Furthermore, live also means it could also contain parasites and other undesirables. These things can infect your betta fish. Live bloodworms are obviously best purchased at a store in your area.

Frozen Bloodworms

Finally, we have frozen. This can be an ideal compromise for those who want to give their betta a good range of benefits, while also being able to store them for a reasonable amount of time. Available in cubes, make sure to follow directions for dosage closely. 

Do not simply drop an entire cube of frozen bloodworms into the fish tank! Frozen blood worms can be stored for up to six months, and they should always be defrosted before being served.

Make sure your bettas can get to the food! You also don’t want to leave it in there for too long, particularly with frozen. A nice benefit of freeze-dried bloodworms is that they float to the top of your fish tank, ensuring the betta fish will eat them quickly.

At this point, you should have a pretty good idea of what to look for. The next step is to understand how to administer bloodworms to your betta fish safely and correctly.

best bloodworms for betta
Credit: minoufio

How Many Bloodworms Should You Feed Your Betta?

Obviously, since betta fish are carnivores, they’re going to love bloodworms. This, combined with their tendency to just eat and eat, means having to pay close attention to how many bloodworms feed your betta fish.

Bloodworms: A Fine Treat, But NOT A Dietary Staple

To be clear, bloodworms should NOT be a staple of your betta’s diet. This is where some people make a mistake. Don’t feed your betta too many bloodworms! Yes, bloodworms are rich in a variety of nutrients and other essentials. 

However, the key word there is “rich.” They are far too rich to be given to your bettas as anything more than an occasional treat. Ideally, you will only want to feed your betta fish bloodworms once or twice a week.

Too much fat and protein can wreak havoc with the health of your bettas. It can cause constipation in bettas, and it can also lead to the common betta fish condition known as swim bladder disease.

Ammonia spikes, in addition to a higher threshold for transmitting disease, can also occur when your bettas consume too many bloodworms.

Finally, overfeeding your bettas bloodworms is just a waste of money. There is a fine line where the benefits of blood worms end, and they become something that is doing your bettas far more harm than good.

Live Bloodworms for Bettas

How Often Should You Feed Your Betta Bloodworms?

While betta fish love to eat, remember that their stomachs are not nearly as large as their eyes. Some feed their bettas bloodworms as often as twice a day. This might prove to be fine, but it’s not recommended by most. Again, stick to the once or twice weekly schedule. This is particularly important when introducing bloodworms of any type for the first time.

You also shouldn’t drop an entire bloodworm into the tank. This is similar to our earlier advice regarding how to dispense a cube of bloodworms. In both cases, the bloodworm should be broken down into several smaller pieces. This ensures everything will be eaten. 

It also ensures your bettas aren’t going to give themselves any problems from trying to consume a larger-than-comfortable piece of bloodworm. Anything frozen should be broken up and thawed prior to serving.

If frozen, you also want to be sure that you drain the bloodworms carefully, before you put them in the tank to be eaten. The juices that come out during the defrost process can be highly contaminable, when included in the tank with the bloodworms themselves. 

If you are opting for frozen bloodworms due to them offering the most ideal balance of nutrients and protection from parasites/bacteria, dumping the defrosted juices in with the bloodworms can completely undo this benefit.

At the end of the day, your best bet for feeding your betta fish bloodworms safely is to remember the following:

  • Follow the manufacturer directions carefully. These will generally steer you in the right direction, and usually cover everything you need to know.
  • Buy your bloodworms from a reputable vendor. Careful research on any company or product you encounter will ensure you’re buying something that will give your betta all of the benefits you have in mind.

As long as you keep these things in mind, combined with the directions we have listed above, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

What About Breeding Bloodworms?

Some might suggest breeding your own bloodworms. Potentially, and this is largely dependent upon how many bettas you have, this could prove to be an ideal solution. Breeding gives you a direct source to bloodworms suitable for betta consumption. This can not only save you some time, but it can also save you a good deal of money.

Again, these benefits are largely dependent upon having enough bettas to justify this effort in the first place. If you only own one or two bettas, the work involved in learning how to breed bloodworms for bettas likely won’t be worth it. 

You’re going to need a lot of space, and you’re going to need to make sure you are getting them to your bettas in time. It isn’t unfathomable to wind up with an infestation of midge flies.

Final Thoughts

Balance and variety are going to be the two most important things your betta will need in its diet. To meet these needs, you’re going to need to research the different types of food betta fish can eat. Live animals are generally considered best, including bloodworms, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp. Pellets, freeze-dried food, and frozen fish food are all additional possibilities you can explore. You don’t want to limit your betta to just one thing.

Aquarium Salt for Betta: How Can It Help Bettas?

Aquarium Salt for Betta

Aquarium salt for betta can make the difference between life and death. However, in other situations, it can be highly problematic to expose your betta fish to this product. This is certainly another example of betta fish care essentials in which research and a careful eye are absolutely essential.

Let’s start with a breakdown of exactly what aquarium salt is. From there, we can look at the different situations in which it might be a good idea to give some to your bettas. All of this information can help to better understand why it is so important to maintain the proper aquarium salt dosage.

What Is Aquarium Salt? What Is So Special About It?

At first glance, aquarium salt may not seem all that different from regular salt. The truth of the matter is that they are the same, when it comes to the chemical formula. Both maintain the 1:1 ratio of chloride and sodium. So, why not just give your betta fish regular table salt?

Aquarium salt is not just a marketing ploy, in which the word “Aquarium” is simply slapped on the package. It differs from regular salt on the crucial level of not having the same additives that are traditionally added to the salt you put on your food. Remember that table salt includes stuff for flavor, coloring, and more.

At the end of the day, regular salt can be highly harmful towards the water quality in your tank. Also keep in mind that aquarium salt, among other benefits, works at replenishing the natural electrolytes your bettas need to be healthy. Regular salt does not do that.

Marine salt should also be avoided, for the same reason that it contains additives that can harm bettas.

Where does aquarium salt come from? Evaporated sea waters. It really is that simple.

Let’s take a look at not only some of the most common diseases treated with aquarium salt, but some of the larger benefits of including it in your tank.

Can You Use Aquarium Salt for Betta Fish?

While the aquarium salt benefits for bettas can make for a long list, there are also situations in which you should seek alternatives:

Do you have any scale-less fish?

If you do, they should not come into contact with aquarium salt in any form or fashion. Consider the slimy coat which can be found on their bodies. Without this coat, which aquarium salt can strip, they become susceptible to a range of external infections.

Do you have living plants?

Live plants are a great addition to your aquarium. They are also fragile to an extent. Some can be damaged severely by the inherent salinity of aquarium salt.

What about quarantine?

The best decision is often quarantining your betta. This is going to involve a few steps, but it generally becomes the best arrangement for all concerned.

Betta quarantine is a particularly good idea, if we’re dealing with something that can be transferred to other fish in your tank.

Barring the above situations, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Just remember that the directions for any aquarium salt product should be followed to the letter. Too much of this substance in your tank will not only negate its beneficial elements, but it will potentially be disastrous for all of the fish in your tank.

Nonetheless, overall, the benefits of aquarium salt are absolutely fascinating. You can apply this thought to the subject of whether or not you should regularly dose your aquarium with this specialized salt.

What Are Some Of The Diseases Salt Can Cure?

Under the right circumstances, aquarium salt can be invaluable towards treating a number of serious conditions. Other medications are available. However, aquarium salt is not as serious a treatment option, so it’s often a good, relatively safe place to begin addressing an issue.

Here are some of the most common conditions that can be potentially treated with aquarium salt:

  • Fin Rot: Marked by noticeable damage/decay to the fin, poor water quality is considered to be the most infamous fin rot culprit. If your tank is under the ideal temp (78F), with cloudy, debris/poop-filled water, then the water quality needs to be improved IMMEDIATELY. Even darker fins can be an indication. Red spots, severe discoloration, and damage close to the body are all symptoms of a more serious type of fin rot.
  • Ich: This external parasite can attach itself to your betta. This in turn can cause a ton of problems for your poor betta. White spots appearing all over the body is one of the most common symptoms. You should also look for poor appetite, a lack of energy, relatively poorer socialization, and your betta rubbing itself against things inside your tank.
  • Dropsy: Despite the somewhat-silly name, dropsy should always be taken seriously. Not actually a disease, despite commonly being considered as such, dropsy is actually a collection of symptoms that can point to another issue. If your betta is hiding all the time, avoiding other fish, or simply not eating, these signs can point to the presence of dropsy. The presence of pinecone-like scales is considered to be the biggest tell of all.
  • Velvet: Another condition with a somewhat-disarming name, velvet occurs due to the presence of bacteria in your water. Also known as rust and gold disease, your betta’s reaction to the disease can appear in the form of what looks like gold dust on the body of the fish. Lethargy is another symptom to look out for, and this is another disease in which your sick betta will start rubbing themselves against objects in your aquarium.

Clearly, aquarium salt is something that can prove to be a lifesaver in many situations facing your betta. However, you are also going to want to take care to ensure it is exactly what your betta needs. Before we discuss the benefits of aquarium salt, let’s examine times in which your betta should not be exposed.

What Are The Benefits Of Aquarium Salt?

One of the more common betta fish topics involves using aquarium salt to do more than treat specific conditions. Some, including many experts, believe it can have ongoing benefits. This again means adhering to a very minimal daily dosage, but it could allow your bettas to enjoy the following:

Parasites will be miserable

There are a range of parasites that can infiltrate your tank, attack your bettas, and cause all kinds of problems. Keeping a clean tank will go a long way towards keeping these pests out. However, it is ultimately almost impossible to have a 100% parasite-free tank at all times. Aquarium salt can keep them from ever even reproducing.

Nitrates and nitrites

Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder which can be caused by an abundance of nitrates and nitrites in the water in your tank.

Better for coats, gills, and even kidneys 

Treating your aquarium with this salt has been shown to improve the functionality of your slime coat. As we mentioned before, this is the coat that protects your fish from getting sick. Aquarium salt can also make your bettas more efficient at using their kidneys to remove water from the body. This also applies to the gills, which should never absorb too much water.

Okay, we’re ready to start using aquarium salt to your tank!

How To Treat Your Bettas With Aquarium Salt

Keeping in mind that you should probably quarantine your sick betta with what is known as a hospital tank, if you’re using aquarium salt to treat something specific, here are the steps to remember, regardless of whether or not you do that.

  • Do not go above one tablespoon for every five gallons of water in your tank.
  • Aquarium salt should NEVER be added to the aquarium by depositing it straight into the water. Instead, what you want to do is combine a little tank water with the aquarium salt in a container. You only need a very small amount of tank water. Once it has properly diluted, you can have it added to your tank.
  • Once it has been added to the tank, keep an eye on the aquarium for twenty-four hours or so. You should start to notice some improvements at this point.
  • Continue to dose your water in this fashion for a few days. You don’t want to go for any longer than four, five days at the most.
  • Once you’ve gotten to your last day of treatment, you need to change approximately twenty-five percent of the water currently in your aquarium.

This entire process can be repeated on and off for two weeks. After that, if your betta has not improved, their condition is more serious than previously thought. You are going to need to seek out stronger methods of treatment for your betta.

Now, while the above treatment strategy is the one most commonly used, you are not without further possibilities using aquarium salt. There is a method known as salt bombing. Under the right conditions, this can be a powerful way to aid your betta.

How Much Aquarium Salt for Betta Fish?

This can also be called a salt blast or salt bomb. As any of those names imply, you’re giving your betta a significant dose of aquarium salt over an extremely short period of time. This should not be attempted as your first approach to improving the condition of your betta.

It should be reserved for situations in which your betta’s condition is more advanced, but you also don’t want to progress to a treatment stronger than aquarium salt. You also need to have everything set up ahead of time. Don’t forget that we are only going to expose your betta to this concentrated dose for a very short period of time.

First, get two containers. One is going to have a gallon of water and some aquarium salt. The second container will have a fourth of the recommended manufacturer’s amount, combined with another gallon of water. The second container exists to revive your betta after the initial treatment. You will need to do this prior to returning the betta to the main aquarium.

After you’ve set your containers up, heat your water up to somewhere between seventy-eight and eighty degrees. Put your betta fish in a plastic bag. With this done, your betta can be added to your first container for approximately ten to fifteen minutes. This is meant to get them used to these new, temporary conditions.

Take them out of the bag after fifteen minutes at the most. You can now leave them in the first container for anywhere from five to eight minutes. It is strongly advised that you only go to the eight-minute threshold when treating something serious in your betta. To reiterate, prolonged exposure to these extreme conditions can kill your betta.

You don’t want to shock your betta by adding them straight from the first container to the main aquarium. This can also kill them. The second container exists to make the transition as easy as possible. You only need to leave them in this container for around five minutes. 

Once you have finished with this stage, you can safely have them returned to the main tank. Put them in another plastic bag, and allow them to float along the top of the tank. You shouldn’t need to do this for more than a few minutes.

Final Thoughts

There might be some concern on your part about the pH levels on your aquarium becoming unstable by adding aquarium salt. You don’t have a thing to worry about. Neither the hydrogen molecules or oxygen molecules are going to be changed or harmed by adding aquarium salt.

Clearly, aquarium salt can be a vital part of your day-to-day care for your betta fish. As long as you maintain the proper dosages, and keep in mind everything else we mentioned above, your betta can gain a lot from aquarium salt. Whether you need to treat something in particular, or want to use it to maintain an optimal tank, make it a point to keep some in your home.

API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt...
  • Contains one (1) API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt 16-Ounce Box
  • Promotes fish health and disease recovery with increased electrolytes
  • Improves respiration for fish in freshwater aquariums
  • Made from evaporated sea water for all-natural results
  • Use when changing water, when setting up a new freshwater aquarium and when treating fish disease

Types of Betta Fish – By Tail, Pattern and Color

Types of Betta Fish

Whether you are a beginner aquarist or a seasoned aquarist, you know that Betta fish are one of the most popular freshwater fish available on the market today. Betta fish come in a broad spectrum of colors and shapes. Because of this, they tend to be classified by their tail type, colors, and patterns. 

Although they have a reputation for having an aggressive temperament, as long as you know how to care for them and what kind of tankmates they prefer, you can avoid the aggressiveness by properly fed and care. 

Types of Betta Fish

Betta fish, nicknamed Siamese Fighting fish because of their aggressive temperaments, is one of the most common fish purchased by beginner aquarists. These fish are the perfect starter fish with their small size, vibrant colors, and unique personalities.

Over the years, breeders have crossbred Bettas to create some very striking tail variations, along with vibrant and unique colorations. Betta fish are also intelligent fish and can eventually begin to recognize their owners.

Betta fish have a unique physiology that allows them to breathe surface air when their gills are unable to get sufficient oxygen from their surrounding water. This unique organ is called a labyrinth organ. During breeding, they will also create bubble nests to cradle the eggs spawned by the female Betta.

When classifying Betta fish, you look at their tail shape first, then their pattern, and their coloration. There are many variations in the tail alone, from neat and short to flowing and long. The Betta’s body patterns will range from single body patterns to multi-colored patterns. 

But it is their vibrant colors that are the most attractive characteristic. You can find Betta fish in every color of the rainbow. Between the Betta’s coloring, patterns, and various tail shapes, there are literally hundreds of types of Bettas on the market, with each fish being uniquely beautiful.

Betta Fish Tail Variations

There are many distinctive variations of the Betta’s tails. Because of this, many Bettas are classified by the size and shape of their tails. Betta fish have tails that vary from long and majestic, to spikey and short. Usually, the Betta’s name will give you an idea of what shape their tail is. Some of the more common names include Crowntail, Veiltail, Halfmoon, and the small Plakat. 

Crowntail Bettas

Crowntail Bettas
Helder Caçoila

One of the most popular Betta fish is the Crowntail Betta. First bred by breeder Ahmad Yusuf about 25 years ago, this particular species hasn’t really been around long. The fins for the male Crowntail Betta are long and spikey, slightly resembling a crown. The female Crowntail’s colors are lighter, and they have a shorter tail. Unfortunately, their appearance is not as majestic as that of their male counterparts.

There’s another Betta fish that is very similar to the Crowntail, called Combtail. The Combtail has webbing on its fin that reaches about 2/3 of the way up the tail. 

Veiltail Bettas

Veiltail Bettas
Kausthubh Kamath

Veiltails are also quite common. The male Veiltails have tails that are long and flowing with a downward swoop of the tail. Veiltails come in a variety of color variations, making it a very striking Betta fish.

The Veiltail is a dominant characteristic when it comes to breeding, making it easy to breed. The female Veiltail looks different than the male. She does not have the same characteristics as the male Veiltail, but she does have brights colors occasionally, although their colors still tend to be lighter than the males. They also have short tails and fins. 

Plakat Bettas

The name Plakat comes from the Thai word “plakad”, which means fighting fish. This particular breed was bred and used for fighting quite commonly. Plakat Betta fish are the exception to the rule for male Betta fish. Instead of having the long and flowing tails and fins, their fins are short.

Despite having shorter fins, the male Plakat still has amazingly vibrant coloring. The Plakat is considered to be the Betta’s traditional form, which you would have found in their natural habitat in the wild.

Halfmoon / Over-Half Moon (OHM) Bettas

Halfmoon Bettas
Shane Morel

Halfmoon Betta fish have a large tail that creates a half-circle that looks similar to a half-moon. You will not find these Bettas in the wild; they are bred only in captivity. Halfmoon Bettas are very popular among breeders and are quite common at the Betta shows and exhibits. 

The Halfmoon Betta fish was first created in the 1980s. They became so popular that breeders worldwide, especially in Europe, made this species famous internationally. However, these fish tend to be a bit more challenging to breed due to their overly aggressive behavior.

Double Tail Bettas

Double Tail Bettas​

With two distinctly separate tails that are separated at the base, the Double Tail Betta fish is easy to recognize. Usually, this species of Bettas has a shorter body with a longer and larger dorsal fin. 

You can find this particular gene in various Bettas with any size and shaped tail. This can cause single tail Bettas to show the same characteristics as the double tail, with extra rays on their dorsal fins, which tend to give them a much richer appearance.

Dumbo Bettas or Elephant Ear Bettas

Dumbo Bettas

The Dumbo Bettas are unique and don’t exactly fit into one particular color or tail category because of their unique pectoral fins. Their name derives from their two pectoral fins’ funny appearance, which makes them look like elephant ears. 

The Dumbo Betta fish that have been bred for the aquarium trade will have strikingly brilliant colorations, such as yellows, reds, turquoises, and bright blues. However, when found in the wild, they tend to be dull-colored, with colors ranging from brown, grey, to dark green.

Delta Tail Bettas

delta tail betta fish

Delta is the Greek word for the letter d, which is shaped like a triangle (∆). The Delta Tail Betta fish has a large tail that is narrow close to the body but widens into a triangle shape, like an inverted triangle.

While the tail spread of a normal Delta is usually smaller, without crowing or combing along the tail edges, the Super Delta’s tail reaches a flare of 180°.

Rosetail Bettas

Rosetail bettas
Kyaw Tun

The Rosetail Betta’s tail has branchy rays, which make the caudal fin look like a rose. A Half Moon variation that causes the caudal fin’s total spread to reach more than 180° gives the Rosetail a very striking appearance. However, it could be considered to be a Feathertail if the tail is exceedingly branch and has a ruffled appearance. 

Other Tail Variations

Although the tails we have already gone over are among the most common and ornamental, there are many more different variations of the Betta’s tail:

Spade Tail Bettas

The tails of these Bettas look exactly like the Spade from a deck of cards with its round and pointed shape.

Over Halfmoon

The not-so-clever name comes from the over 180° tail spread of a Halfmoon Betta. Basically like an extreme variation of the Halfmoon.

Combtail Bettas

These Bettas resemble the Crowntail Bettas. The way to tell them apart is by the length of the rays and the webbing. The Combtail’s webbing reaches up the tail over 2/3 of the way.

Roundtail Bettas

The edges of these Betta’s tails are fully rounded, quite similar to the Delta Bettas, just the tail edge shapes differ.

Half-Sun Bettas

Selective breeding between Crowntails and Half Moons create this variation of Bettas. The fins and tail reach around the body over 180° with what looks like a slight crowning along the webbing and rays.

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Types of Betta Fish - By Color

Betta fish comes in a wide variety of colors, with some sporting uniform coloring, while others are a kaleidoscope of many different colors. Their brilliant coloring represents most of the colors of the rainbow with a few extras thrown in, such as translucent, copper, white, and black.

Blue Betta Variations

Blue Betta Variations​

Blue is not a simple color. There are many different variations of the color blue. In the Betta fish world, the most common shades of blue are Steel Blue Betta, which is a cold grayish-blue, and Royal Blue Betta fish, which have a gorgeous, brilliant iridescent blue coloring.

Black Orchid Bettas

Black Orchid Bettas
Daniella Vereeken

Just like the name says, the Black Orchid has a blackish color to it with hints of blue or purple highlights around its body. There are three different variations of the black coloration that can be grouped into either the Black Lace, Melano, and Metallic Betta fish, which has iridescent scales that are almost translucent or copper-colored.

Red Bettas

Red Bettas

Amongst all the different variations of Betta fish, red is the most dominant color. The more common red is a striking, deep, and rich red. If red is not the dominant color on the Betta, you will often see red highlights across the body and fins of the Betta fish.

If your red starts to appear washed out, you may need to check their water conditions and diet to make sure they are healthy. 

Pink Bettas

Pink Bettas
Heather Klebs

Although it looks almost translucent and is often thought to be an albino variation, the Pink Betta fish is actually pink because it barely has any pigment and the flesh shows through the Betta’s skin. 

If the pink is a fuller pink, the Betta fish usually has a brighter, richer pink color on their fins and body. If this is the case, they will usually have additional color variations along the body and tail, such as whites, purples, and reds. 

Rose Petal Bettas

Rose Petal Bettas

Rose Petal Bettas are one of the more unique variations because there is not an easy way to define them. They have more color variations than any of the other Betta fish, usually a light electric blue with some dark blue or copper highlights, with a dark-colored face. 

The Rose Petal Betta fish is one of the rarest on the market.

Yellow Bettas

Another common color you will find among Bettas is yellow. Yellow Betta fish generally have a rich, full-bodied yellow coloring that extends along the tail and fins. There are many variations of yellow coloring, from a pastel yellow to a school bus yellow. The yellow variations are known as “non-reds” because they have similar characteristics as the red, but instead, they are yellow.

White Bettas

White Bettas

When comparing the white Bettas to other variations of Betta coloring, the white coloring may seem to be a little plain since they are entirely white. But with the right type of tail, these white Betta fish can look very majestic. Shop around for the tail type that appeals the most to you. Swooping and flowing tails are very majestic when they are completely white-colored.

Purple Bettas

Purple Bettas​
matthias dieux

If you are looking for a Betta fish that is a true purple color, you might have a hard time finding one. It will be easier to Bettas that are a purple-blueish coloring or a rich violet. A lot of times, these Betta fish will have various color highlights, such as blacks and coppers. You can find them with purple-ish bodies, but with the face and fins of a different color.

Purple Bettas have many different types of tails and color patterns. With so many different options, it should be easy to find one that suits your tastes. 

Green Bettas

Green Bettas

If you find a Betta fish that is entirely green, you will be gazing upon a rare Betta. They usually appear to be more of a turquoise color. Or, the green coloration will be masked underneath a darker color, but if you shine the light on it just right, you will see an iridescent green shimmer. 

Dark green and bright green Betta fish variations that are clearly discernable are rare, but they do exist, and they are considered to be quite precious. 

Mustard Gas Bettas

Mustard Gas Bettas​

The Mustard Gas Betta fish is very remarkable with bi-colored variations that show different color variations between the fins and the body. The Betta’s body is usually a dark blue or green color, while their fins tend to be orange or yellow, which is where their name comes from. 

Sometimes this variation is called Chocolate-colored by mistake because the fin color is very similar. However, the Chocolate-colored Betta has a body that is completely brown.

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Types of Betta Fish – By Pattern

Finally, the last way in which Bettas are classified is by their patterns. The way a Betta’s coloring is arranged along their bodies and fins in different patterns makes them one of the more popular sought after fish in the aquarist community. Selective breeding has created some unique patterning. 

Dragon Scale Bettas

Dragon Scale Bettas​

Selective breeding has recently created a new pattern called Dragon Scale. The vibrant metallic colorations make this particular pattern very popular with a full-bodied color and body scales that resemble those of a dragon or lizard. They usually have a rich base color like red with pale iridescent scales across the main body, which is sometimes copper-colored.

Butterfly Bettas


Another relatively distinctive and common Betta fish pattern is the Butterfly pattern. The body is usually a solid color that will extend to the tail’s base and the fins, where the color will stop suddenly and then is replaced by a more iridescent, paler color. The tail and fins are usually transparent or white. 

Another popular variation of this particular pattern is for the body to be one color, but the tail and the inside fins will be a different color but fade to white or even transparent along the edges. 

Marble Bettas

Marble betta
David Sucianto

With striking color variations, the Marble Betta fish is another trendy variation of Bettas. Their body usually has a solid but pale body-color with rich blues and red that appear irregular and blotchy. The fins are the part of the Betta’s body that appears marble-like in pattern. Although, sometimes they have a translucent coloring, too. 

One remarkable thing about this particular variation is that their colors develop over time. They will also appear to be one color one week and a different color the next week. This ability will slow down as the Betta ages. 

Koi Bettas

Koi Bettas​
Marlo Lao

Through selectively breeding the Marble Betta fish, the breeder created the Koi pattern that resembles the popular pond fish. You will not find this species in the wild. Rather aquarium hobbyists have carefully bred them while preserving the most unique and striking features and characteristics. The rich colorations and their brightness will vary greatly, resulting in no distinct coloration of this particular pattern. 


With so many different variations of patterns, colors, and tail shapes, the Betta fish is definitely not a boring one-size-fits-all fish. Through years of careful and selective breeding by experts, there are now hundreds of types of Betta fish on the market today. 

The Bettas you find in the wild won’t be as vibrant and colorful as the ones you will find with breeders and fish stores. With all the different varieties, you are sure to find the perfect Betta for your aquarium. 

Betta Fish Popeye: Treatment, Causes & How to Identify this Disease

Betta Fish Popeye

Don’t let the cute name fool you. Despite sharing a name with a beloved cartoon icon, Popeye is no laughing matter in the context of your betta fish. While the condition is not inherently deadly, it can make things quite unpleasant for any betta which catches it. Popeye is also complicated by the fact that it can lead to other problems.

The Good News About Betta Fish Popeye

In other words, if you are just beginning to learn about Popeye, here is the most important thing to keep in mind: You want to deal with the problem as quickly as possible. Again, Popeye treatment is fairly straightforward, and it comes with a huge success rate. Nonetheless, as is the case with many other betta fish infections and diseases, a rapid response on your part is the most essential component to treating it effectively.

The other good news about Popeye is that it’s fairly easy to diagnose. It is unlikely that you’re going to be wrong, if you even suspect your betta fish has this condition in the first place.

Also, keep in mind that while Popeye in of itself is fairly easy to treat, it could be in of itself a sign of a more serious condition. To that end, we would suggest reading up on common betta fish diseases and potential treatments.

Let’s take a closer look at what we’re talking about, when we talk about Popeye and betta fish.

What Is Popeye In Betta Fish?

First of all, let’s get that name out of the way.

Popeye is exactly what it sounds like. It is a condition that can cause the eye of your betta fish to stick out, protrude, or “pop” out. Hence the name. While it can be fatal, if left untreated, there are thankfully a number of measures you can take. However, at the end of the day, prevention is considered to be the wisest course of action.

Avoid the conditions by which your betta fish can get the infection, and you really shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Next, we’re going to discuss some of the most prominent symptoms to watch out for.

What Are The Symptoms Of Betta Fish Popeye?

Popeye can be extremely uncomfortable for your betta fish, as you might be able to imagine. This, combined with the very real potential for death with untreated Popeye in bettas, makes learning about the different symptoms an imperative.

Here are the most common betta fish popeye symptoms:

Betta Fish Popeye in One Eye

We’ve already touched on this particular symptom, but it is well worth mentioning again. Popeye can only impact one of their eyes, but it is not uncommon to see a betta fish suffering from this infection with both eyes protruding. This is the definitive symptom of this particular infection. If one or both of the eyes are sticking out, your betta fish DEFINITELY has Popeye.

Betta Fish Eyes Change Color

While the protruding eye is the most common symptom, there are a few more you want to look for. The presence of a different eye color is a good example of what we are talking about. If you see a cloudiness, or a milky texture, within their eyes, there is a good chance that one of their corneas has been broken. It could also simply be bloodstained. This can indicate physical aggression in some form or fashion.

Have a White Ring Around Them

This is another certain sign that your betta fish has Popeye. This is a good symptom to watch for prior to the eye popping out. If you notice this white ring, then there is an excellent chance that your betta fish is in the beginning stages of Popeye. At this point, treatment is all but guaranteed to be successful.

Popeye Caused By Infection or Diseases

There are a number of additional Popeye symptoms you are going to want to keep in mind. However, these should be taken with a grain of salt. This is simply because they could be indicators of any number of infections or diseases. This is why it is a good idea to keep an eye on your betta fish, as soon as you recognize something about their appearance or behavior that seems off to you.

Obviously, if your betta fish is feeling stressed out, or happens to be fighting some sort of infection, other health issues are likely to emerge. If you notice that your betta fish is no longer eating or interacting with other fish as it should, then there is a good chance that at least something is wrong. It may or may not be Popeye, but you’re definitely going to want to keep an eye on your betta fish for the next few days.

Another red flag comes in the form of a betta fish that doesn’t seem to do anything but stay in one place.

With all of this in mind, you’re much closer to knowing how to treat betta fish popeye.

However, once again, prevention is in fact the best way to ensure your betta fish never have to deal with Popeye. The best way to tackle this end of things is to study up on causes. The more you know about these possible causes, the easier it will be to see how to prevent Popeye in betta fish.

How To Cure Betta Fish Popeye?

Determining the cause of Popeye in your betta fish can be a bit difficult to do, in terms of pinpointing the exact cause. This can make treatment a little challenging, but still by no means impossible. This also points to what we were saying about earlier about prevention ultimately being easier and more effective than treatment.

Still, keeping that eye towards prevention, it can be very helpful to at least know some of the most common Popeye causes in betta fish.

These causes can be broken down into two distinct categories, which can serve to make things a little easier for you.

Popeye In Betta Fish

What Causes Unilateral Popeye In Betta Fish?

In order to have the best possible understanding of causes, when it comes to Popeye, we need to break things down into two categories: One is unilateral, which only impacts one eye. The other is bilateral, in which both eyes are impacted.

As you will find, the best treatments for bilateral Popeye are fairly different from the best treatments for unilateral Popeye in Betta fish.

If only one of the eyes of your betta fish is damaged, the odds are low that you’re dealing with an infection. In all likelihood, the damage in question comes from something physical that happened to them. Yes, it is easy enough for a betta fish to cause some form of injury to their eyes. This can be caused by something as simple as bumping into something inside the tank.

By the same token, it can just as easily be something that comes from bullying caused by other fish. If that happens to be the case, then you will want to take the steps necessary to stop the bullying. This may or may not include isolating the abused betta fish from the other fish in the tank.

Now, if both eyes on your betta fish are damaged, this in of itself points to a good chance that your betta fish is dealing with some sort of infection. Such an infection can come from a variety of sources, including bacteria, fungus, and parasites. The best way to figure out which disease or infection your betta fish is suffering from is to look fore other symptoms. Click here for an article that can get you started in the right direction.

At this point, we can start to deep dive into exactly what your options are for treatment. We will also revisit the merits of prevention one more time with some specific suggestions.

Betta Treatments For Unilateral Popeye

Luckily, if you are only dealing with Popeye caused by physical harm, both the treatment and your prevention measures are going to be easy to address. To reiterate, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

At the same time, it is worth noting that this form of Popeye in betta fish is traditionally not fatal. If the stress becomes too much, however, your betta fish can potentially suffer in other fashions.

Here is what you’ll need to do:

  • Move roughly ten percent of the water in your aquarium to another tank.
  • The next step will be to purchase some Epsom salts. There are tons and tons of choices available to you on that front. Following all directions on the packaging of your purchase very, very carefully, you will next begin adding the Epsom. You should not be adding more than one tablespoon per gallon of water.
  • The Epsom salt should be fully dissolved, before introducing it to your betta.
  • How long to leave the betta in this new tank? A good rule of thumb is around ten minutes.
  • Give your betta a couple of minutes in which to get used to things, before you have them returned to the tank.

You also have the option of aquarium salt. This comes with the built-in, long-term benefit of improving the immune system of your betta to a meaningful degree.

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Betta Treatments For Bilateral Popeye

As we said before, a case of bilateral Popeye points to the strong probability that your betta is fighting some sort of bacteria, fungus, or other problematic disease. The treatment method you choose with eventually have to keep this fact in mind.

Here are the basic steps behind dealing with bilateral Popeye:

  • Your first step is going to be to set up a quarantine tank. This can be a 5-10-gallon tank with a filter, the ideal temperature, something for the bottom, and something for your betta to hide in or interact with.
  • Your original tank should be changed completely. This lowers your chances of the infection being passed to other fish in your tank.
  • A combination of aquarium salt and amoxicillin are going to be vital, in terms of treating this infection properly and safely. Follow directions for dosages. If you still aren’t sure, ask a trusted medical professional. The amoxicillin should be mixed with aquarium water, prior to adding it to the tank.
  • Every three days, swap out the water completely, while adding another doses of amoxicillin and aquarium salt. The amoxicillin should not be used for more than ten consecutive days.
  • With the treatment finished, keep an eye on your betta, and see if their condition improves.
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  • Promotes fish health and disease recovery with increased electrolytes
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Saveena (AKA LHDugger)

How To Prevent Popeye In Betta Fish

Prevention comes down to keeping in mind the two main avenues of what causes Popeye in betta fish. The first is an infection, bacteria, or even parasites. The second is damage.

Do not overpopulate your aquarium. This not only forces your fish to fight for resources, but it can create a highly stressful situation for your betta fish. The more fish in your tank, the more poop you’re going to be dealing with. It is also possible for other fish to bother your betta, which can create Popeye in one way or another.

Make sure the water is being changed regularly. This also means having a good filter for your system.

It is also possible to cause damage by scooping them up too quickly in the net, keeping plastic plants & furniture in the tank, or even the sudden turning on of the aquarium lights.


With all of the information above, you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Remember that Popeye can be transferred from one fish to the next, if we are talking about an infection-based example.

Why Did My Betta Fish Jump Out of Tank? (How to Prevent)

Betta fish Jump Out of Tank

Do you have a betta fish who is jumping out of tank on a pretty regular basis? If so, you aren’t alone! A betta that keeps jumping out of the tank isn’t something we are necessarily prepared to deal with. 

Yet it can happen for all sorts of different reasons. More to the point, it can naturally be very dangerous for your betta fish. This is something you want to address from the moment you first witness the behavior.

Why Did My Betta Fish Jump Out of Tank?

To that end, your first step is to figure out why the betta is jumping out in the first place. The next step from there will be simple enough, as it will involve the best way to address whatever might be bothering your betta fish.

Dealing with this issue tends to be pretty straightforward, but there are still a number of things you are going to want to keep in mind.

Are You Keeping The Betta Tank In Good Condition?

The condition of your tank is one of the first culprits to study in greater detail. Regular cleanings of your aquarium are essential for several reasons. One of the biggest is to get rid of the buildup on ammonia in the water, which comes about from pooping.

Fish can desire to leave an area, if they feel unsafe, sick, or otherwise in some form of discomfort or danger. However, unlike many types of fish, betta fish can actually try to do something about it by leaping out. Make sure your fish tank is being cleaned on a regular basis.

Are You Keeping Things Consistent In Your Tank?

In general, extreme changes to the atmosphere or conditions of the tank can cause the jumping behavior. This extends to not only the poor water quality, but to the pH levels and overall temperature, as well. When these things are not maintained, your fish in general can stop eating, become depressed, and compromise their immune systems. It can also compel them to jump out of the tank.

Does Your Betta Have Enough Space?

While it is true that bettas are a hardy type of fish, which means they can stand up to a great deal. However, like all other fish, they still need plenty of space to live, hiding places, sleep, and eat.

In the first place, you should aspire to have a tank which is at LEAST 5 gallons. In our personal experience, 10 or 15 gallons is even better. Anything smaller than that is going to be essential inhospitable for your betta fish.

If there isn’t enough room in the tank, the ammonia levels are going to climb. We’ve already discussed why that can be quite a problem. A betta fish can also become bored with their surroundings, so make sure you are adding and removing plants and decorative items on a regular basis.

Is Your Betta Getting Enough Sleep At Night?

Like almost everything else that’s alive, betta fish need to get plenty of rest. More to the point, they need to be able to maintain a regular, consistent sleep schedule. When this doesn’t happen, all kinds of problems can emerge. The frustration and boredom your betta will feel can become enough that they will try to jump out of the tank.

This is thankfully an easy enough fix, but you will need to keep several things in mind. Consult a good online guide to light and your betta fish. You will need to give your betta certain periods during the day in which the light in the tank is off, and they are able to rest in comfort.

Generally speaking, you should strongly consider just turning the light off at night.

Is Something Outside Of Your Tank Compelling The Betta To Jump?

As you can see, there are quite a few different reasons as to why the betta is jumping out of the tank. Obviously, in order to protect your betta from causing harm to themselves, you need to be able to identify the specific reason your betta jumping.

For example, your betta fish may simply be jumping out of the tank because they see something they like. As incredible as that sounds, it’s true.

Flies can be a big reason bettas jump out of the tank. If your betta is jumping, and you notice the presence of flies around the tank, this could be the culprit.

What If None Of The Above Reasons Apply?

Let’s say you’ve exhausted every possibility we have covered so far. What then? Is it in the realm of possibility that bettas simply like to jump out of the tank?

Unfortunately, yes.

If you have gone through all of the reasons we listed above, and your betta fish is still leaping out of the tank, the reason could be very simple. They may just simply like jumping out. Obviously, this can be a little frustrating to deal with, but you still have options.

At the end of the day, it is still highly important to know exactly what might be driving your betta’s behavior. “Nothing” is just as important a reason as anything else.

How to Prevent Betta From Jumping Out of Tank

Given the fairly small size of betta fish, you may not think they can jump very high. This assumption would be a mistake. On average, a betta fish can jump two to three inches high. This can be more than enough to clear the rim of your aquarium.

In certain cases, believe it or not, your betta can jump even higher!

Once a betta has jumped from the tank, they will live for approximately ten minutes. After ten minutes, even if they have been returned to the water, their odds of survival become very, very small. By ten minutes, too much as dried up. Too much damage has been done.

If you can get them back in the tank, give them a moment to get acclimated again. You may even want to consider adding some aquarium salt, which can go a long way towards improving the overall function and strength of their gills.

API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt...
  • Contains one (1) API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt 67-Ounce Box
  • Promotes fish health and disease recovery with increased electrolytes
  • Improves respiration for fish in freshwater aquariums
  • Made from evaporated sea water for all-natural results
  • Use when changing water, when setting up a new freshwater aquarium and when treating fish disease

Swim Bladder Disease in Bettas: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Swim Bladder Disease in Bettas

Every part of a betta fish is obviously important in one fashion or another. Having said that, there is a special significance to their swim bladders. This vital organ plays an equally vital role in how your bettas swim in their surroundings. Responsible for maintaining their buoyancy, betta fish naturally need this organ to maintain their ideal lifestyle and optimal health.

An Introduction To Swim Bladder Disease In Bettas

Unfortunately, like anything else your betta needs to look and feel their best, there are threats which can create complications. Swim bladder disease can indeed be treated, but this is something that must be done as soon as possible. This means being able to quickly identify the signs your betta is suffering from this condition. It also includes knowing the best ways to treat your betta.

Let’s take a closer look at exactly what we mean by swim bladder disease. The first challenge to keep in mind with this potential issue is that there are a lot of potential of places in which it can originate.

Breaking Down The Basics

In the simplest terms, swim bladder disorder is when a disruption occurs within the swim bladder of your betta. This is a fairly common disease among bettas.

However, it does have the benefit of being fairly easy to treat. As we mentioned before, the success of your treatment is going to be fairly dependent upon how quickly you notice the condition. It is a good thing indeed then that there are some fairly easy-to-notice symptoms of swim bladder disease.

Remember: Your betta relies on their swim bladder to essentially swim with as little actual effort as possible. As opposed to having to swim nonstop to stay in place, your betta’s swim bladder will take care of that instead. In other words, once we delve more deeply into the subject of swim bladder symptoms, you’ll already know to look for any signs that your betta isn’t swimming as it normally should.

Without the swim bladder, your betta is going to find it very difficult to swim properly. It will also waste enormous amounts of energy on trying to stay in one place. This can put a notable strain on its overall health on a variety of levels.

But, wait, is it true that swim bladder disease isn’t even what the name suggests it might be? This is true to a certain extent. Here is what you need to keep in mind.

Is Swim Bladder Disease Actually A Disease? What Exactly Happens?

In the most technical sense of the word, swim bladder disease isn’t actually a disease. It is a condition that can potentially be part of something else altogether. This is important to remember, as you learn about the different ways in which you can treat swim bladder disease.

What happens to your betta fish when it has this condition?

  • You are going to notice your betta either floating along the surface, which it does not want to do, nor should be doing. The betta may also be found along the bottom of your aquarium, if it does in fact have this condition.
  • The gas-filled sac which represents this organ becomes damaged or diseased. It is important to note that this condition can come from a variety of different places.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Causes Of Swim Bladder Disease?

Before we take a closer look at common symptoms to look for, beyond the buoyancy issue, the next step is to see where the condition can come from. To reiterate, one of the most frustrating things about swim bladder disease is the fact that it can come from a variety of different sources.

The importance of diagnosing the specific cause of your betta’s swim bladder disease cannot be understated. Knowing the exact cause is going to go a long way towards knowing the specific treatment you should explore. In some situations, the wrong treatment can actually cause more problems than it solves.

Here are the most notable causes you are going to want to look for:

Cause #1: Overfeeding

Constipation, or simply overfeeding your betta, is one of the most well-known causes of swim bladder disease. One of the more annoying things about bettas is that they never know when to say “enough!” They love to eat, and they do not know the meaning of the word quit. To that end, you need to make sure you are taking special care to feed them exactly as your directions suggest. Failing to do so can lead to bloating, constipation, and eventually swim bladder disease.

Cause #2: Too Much Air In The Food

This ties into the first point mentioned above. Cheap betta food often has a lot of excess air inside it. In addition to the air they ingest while eating around the surface of the cage, airy food can add to this. The end result can lead to your betta becoming constipated.

A good diet is vital to the health of your betta on several levels. For this reason, make sure you are feeding your fish the best betta food on the market. There are several possibilities to that end.

Cause #3: Shock/Surprise

Stress can create a variety of problems for your betta. If your betta goes through consistent and ongoing stress, including bullying from other fish, or drastic changes to their surroundings, their health can be impacted on a variety of levels.

On a similar note, extreme shock or surprise can also cause problems. This includes swim bladder disease. While this cause is considered to be quite rare, something along the lines of a drastic water or light change can create this element of shock. This can perhaps diminish their immune systems enough to make swim bladder disease a regrettably viable possibility.

Cause #4: Parasites And Bacteria

Our last potential culprit is arguably the most frustrating of them all, in terms of being able to correctly identify it as a cause. Furthermore, parasites and bacteria can strike from a variety of different places. This in of itself can make it hard to give your betta the attention it needs to get better.

Parasites are particularly problematic. They can be created through unsanitary or stressful conditions. They can also get the parasites from another fish in your aquarium. General poor health, which can be caused by some of the items we just covered, can also create conditions ideal for parasites to appear. Click here to read up on parasites and bettas, and what you can do if this is indeed the case.

Bacteria is a similar headache. This is particularly true in terms of where bacteria can come from. An unclean tank in particular can create a wide variety of problems. Make sure you are cleaning the tank on a regular basis. 

It is also a good idea to make sure your aquarium has an exceptional filter. As long as you can maintain the best possible conditions for your betta tank, the odds of dealing with parasites and/or bacteria will go down considerably.

Keep in mind that if your betta is indeed fighting a bacterial infection, swim bladder disease is going to be just one the many symptoms you will notice.

If none of these causes apply to your betta, it could be as simple as a low temperature in the water. In certain extreme cases, it can be brought about by kidney cysts and the binding of eggs with female bettas.

Now, with a clear idea of the most notable causes to watch out for, we can come back to the subject of symptoms. All of this information is going to make it that much easier to find the best way to treat swim bladder disease in betta fish.

What Are The Most Common Betta Swim Bladder Disease Symptoms?

The most important thing at this point is to consider the causes we listed above, and then match the cause to the symptoms. Also, you will want to remember that poor buoyancy is the most consistent thread in this entire discussion. It is one of the biggest indicators that your betta has this condition.

For example, if the cause of your betta’s SBD is from overeating and/or constipation, you’re going to come across the following symptoms:

  • In addition to a betta that seems to stay on the top, or along the bottom of the aquarium, you should also look for a betta which is swimming in a lopsided fashion.
  • The constant struggle to keep a normal position while it is in the aquarium.
  • The presence of a distended stomach. A curved back is also an indicator that your betta is suffering from either constipation or just plain overeating.
  • A lack of energy is particularly troubling. Poor appetite is also often observed.

This is what we mean by how difficult it can be to diagnose the proper swim bladder disease treatment. Clamped fins, as well as shaking, are two very strong likelihoods that your betta’s SBD is coming from the many issues that can steam from bacterial infections or parasites.

Simply put, if your betta is spending ALL of their time along the top of the tank, combined with an inability to swim correctly, the odds are extremely high that they have SBD.

With all of this in mind, what can you do about effectively treating this condition in your betta fish?

What Are The Best Ways To Treat Swim Bladder In My Betta?

Here is some good news about betta fish and swim bladder disease: The condition is not inherently fatal. In fact, by paying attention to specific symptoms, and addressing your options for treatment accordingly, you should be able to get your betta back on the mend with ease.

There are a number of different SBD treatment options you are going to want to keep in mind. Here is a closer look at your most prominent possibilities.

Treatment Option For Overfed/Constipation

If this is the cause of SBD in your betta, one of the most obvious steps will be to change how you are feeding them. This is simple enough, but it won’t be the only thing you need to do.

Quarantine your betta (this shows up in other treatments). Then fast them for a period of three days, increasing the temperature of the tank to 80 degrees. This can cure the betta of constipation, or the consequences of being fed too much food. If the situation doesn’t improve for the betta, consider feeding it a maximum of two cooked, peeled peas for approximately one week.

Treatment Option For Parasites And/Or Bacteria

Once again, your first step when dealing with parasites or bacteria, specifically in the context of eliminating Swim Bladder Disease, is going to come down to quarantining your ailing betta from the rest of the fish in your tank.

While this is not something you absolutely must do, it is widely seen as the best way to ensure the rest of your fish do not get sick. Don’t forget that SBD can be carried to other fish.

After your betta has been safely cut off from the rest, you can begin treatment. Melafix is the most common and effective way of getting rid of a bacterial infection. It is also not harmful to bettas, and the odds of your betta having a bacterial infection are much higher than the odds of your betta having parasites. With these thoughts in mind, consider trying out the Melafix first.

API MELAFIX Freshwater Fish Bacterial Infection...
  • Contains one (1) API MELAFIX Freshwater Fish Bacterial Infection Remedy 8-Ounce Bottle
  • Heals bacterial infections and repairs damaged fins, ulcers and open wounds
  • Contains natural, botanical tea tree extract to quickly and rapidly help fish
  • Helps treat newly-introduced fish to reduce risk of disease outbreak in freshwater aquariums
  • Use daily for a week when treating infections and for 3 days as a preventive when adding new fish

If that doesn’t work, start looking into the best ways to kill parasites in betta fish.

Treatment Option For Shock

Thankfully, this is one of the easiest treatment paths you are going to encounter. Remember that when your betta has been shocked, it means that something specific has likely shocked them. If this is in fact shock, and not just ongoing stress, your best bet will be to turn off the lights, and make sure the temperature for the tank is optimal for the betta.

Generally speaking, your betta is going to recover in short order.

What Are Some Of The Ways I Can Prevent Betta Fish Swim Bladder Disease?

While treatment is naturally important, there are also preventative measures that are worth keeping in mind. The more you are willing to do in this regard, the less likely it is that your bettas are going to get sick in the first place.

If it helps to motivate you, note that these measures can also go a long way towards preventing many other diseases and conditions with your betta.

The first suggestion is one we’ve mentioned before, but is worth covering again. We cannot repeat often enough the importance of a clean tank. This means maintaining the ideal temperature, which is somewhere between seventy-four and seventy-nine degrees. Anything higher than that should only be in situations in which it is part of a treatment.

As far as pH levels are concerned, the sweet spot is said to be somewhere around 7.0. Bettas are a hardy species, so some can handle small deviations from that number. Nonetheless, we would suggest starting there, if you are caring for bettas for the first time.

A good diet is something else we should touch on again. You get what you pay for when it comes to pet food. This fact unquestionably holds true for bettas, as well. If you want your bettas to be as happy as possible, then you are going to need to buy them the best possible food.

Watering down your betta food can also prove to be a good idea. Why? Because it will better sink to the bottom of the aquarium. When this happens, your bettas will do their eating there. That means they won’t be swallowing quite as much air, which is considered to be one of the chief causes of swim bladder disease.

Do not overfeed your betta, and make sure they are not getting into any fights with other fish in the tank. These fights are unfortunately common. The stress can put a serious toll on your betta, impacting how they eat and travel about the tank. Such conditions can cause several issues, and one of them can be the symptoms of swim bladder disease.


There is no question that swim bladder disease is something that you need to take seriously. Even so, it is not the most serious of the potential conditions and diseases which can cause harm to your betta. 

The preventative measures we mentioned above can all but guarantee that you will never have to worry about swim bladder disease, or just about anything else that can prevent your betta from living a happy, productive life.

However, if you do still encounter SBD, don’t worry. By keeping in mind everything we have covered in this article, your betta is going to be in the best possible hands. In all likelihood, they will recover in fine form.

Dropsy in Betta Fish: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Dropsy in Betta Fish

Despite the silly name, dropsy in betta fish is in fact a very serious condition. The symptoms can be unpleasant at best for your betta fish. Dropsy can ultimately prove to be devastating, and this is particularly true if you fail to catch what is commonly and mistakenly referred to as a disease.

While not a disease in the specific sense of the word, dropsy nonetheless can mean your betta is not in the best of the health. By being able to correctly identify dropsy symptoms, which will then give you the ability to take advantage of the various dropsy treatment options that are available to you.

If time and diligence are in your corner, the chances of recovery are in fact quite high.

Let’s start by understanding what we’re talking about, when we talk about dropsy in the first place.

What Is Dropsy in Fish?

One of the most frustrating things about dropsy is that there is no one specific thing that can cause. Conditions are established through the presence of gram-negative bacteria. There are a number of different causes that have been pointed to as a primary. However, dropsy ultimately seems to be a condition that can come from a range of sources.

Another thing we know for certain is that dropsy is extremely rare in healthy bettas. To put it another way, dropsy becomes a dangerous possibility for betta fishes with diminished or compromised immune systems.

Several factors can create such a weakness. Understanding the value of maintaining the best possible tank conditions is going to carry you a long way. We’re going to cover that. However, for the moment, let’s take a closer look at the most common symptoms of dropsy to watch out for.

It cannot be stated enough times that when it comes to seeing how to treat dropsy in bettas, a speedy response is absolutely vital.

How To Treat Dropsy In Betta Fish

What Causes Dropsy In Betta Fish?

Another frustrating thing about dropsy is how slowly it sometimes spreads. In some cases, your betta can have dropsy for a while, before they ever show any of the symptoms we are going to discuss.

Dropsy works at slowly making its way into the scales of your betta. When this occurs, their entire immune system can be impacted. Causing harm to both the kidneys and liver, dropsy also leads to fluid retention. This in turn creates the bloated betta stomach that has long been associated with this condition.

As you might imagine, this fluid buildup can make your betta very unhappy. Besides the fact that it can shorten their lifespan, particularly if it is left untreated, dropsy can also make your betta uncomfortable. They will swim and eat less, which in of itself will contribute to a decline in their health. You can see by now how easy it is for dropsy to shift from a minor infection to a life-threatening situation.

What Are Betta Fish Dropsy Symptoms?

If you already know what edema in human beings can look or feel like, then you have a rough idea of what dropsy looks and feels like for your bettas. Arguably the most notable physical symptom of dropsy is the presence of a bloated belly.

To reiterate an earlier point, dropsy is not a disease. It is a bacterial infection that can be created by certain conditions. In fact, the symptoms of dropsy are in fact the underlying symptoms of a more serious situation. This means that if you treat the situation, the infection will go away. Furthermore, through consistent aquarium maintenance and care, you will insure an extremely likelihood of dropsy never returning either.

Here are the main symptoms you need to watch for.

What Are Some Of The Earliest Signs Of Betta Fish Dropsy?

Early detection of dropsy can prove to be a little tricky. However, with a careful, trained eye, you can spot some potential red flags, before they amount to something deadlier:

First of all, look to their appetite. This is almost always where you can figure out if something is wrong. Just keep in mind that a poor appetite does not automatically mean your betta has dropsy. Poor appetite is connected to many of the diseases and infections which threaten your bettas immune system. If this is the only symptom you’ve noticed so far, there isn’t a lot more that can be done, beyond simply keeping an eye on them.

You do NOT want to begin a dropsy treatment, until you are extremely certain that this is what your betta has. Treatments can be harmful, if there is nothing to actually treat.

Is your betta avoiding other fish? This is another possible warning sign. Again, this is another early symptom in which the presence of this behavior is not a guarantee that an infection is present. However, if you combine this with low appetite, the odds are going to start to climb a bit.

If the betta is not only hiding from other fish, but tends to prefer to stay in just one place, then you are definitely looking at a potential case of dropsy. If you take all three of these early symptoms, you will have a betta with a very high probability of having dropsy.

Even so, all of these symptoms can still be indicative of something else. Let’s break down the more serious symptoms you should appreciate in greater detail.

What Are The More Serious Signs Of Dropsy Betta?

If your betta is expressing all three of the early warning signs we covered above, the most infamous symptom, the bloated belly, is likely to appear soon after. You can expect to notice the appearance of this bloating roughly two to three days after the early symptoms have become apparent. Yes, treatment is still well within the realm of possibility at this point, but it does get more challenging.

The stomach is going to look swollen. This is a clear sign that your betta has dropsy.

Like many other diseases and infections with betta fish, you are also going to want to pay attention to the scales. If you have heard the word “pinecone” in association with the physical symptoms of dropsy, then should have a pretty clear idea of what we are talking about. There is a reason why this is perhaps the most well-known of all the symptoms we’re discussing right now. 

When you see it on your betta for the first time, prepared to be shocked, as it is quite distinctive. The name comes from the fact that all of its scales are sticking out, similar to what you would have with a pine cone. By far, the worst part at this point is the somber knowledge that effective treatment becomes far less likely.

How To Prevent Dropsy In Bettas?

Obviously, still do your best to get your betta back to good health, but understand the value of everything we have covered thus far. It is designed to give you a foundation that will hopefully prevent things from getting to this stage in the first place.

You should also pay attention to the gills. If their appearance lacks in color, resembling a more pale appearance, then your betta may have dropsy. Bulgy eyes and a red, bulgy anus can also be indicators that your betta is retaining a dangerous amount of fluid. A curved spine can also be a strong indicator, as well as a betta that is seemingly reluctant to swim to the bottom of your tank.

With a clearer idea of the symptoms you are trying to spot, you now have a firm foundation to learn about how to treat dropsy bettas. While dropsy can be hard on your bettas, you’re going to be pleased to find the treatment path is pretty straightforward. What you want to do is make sure you get started from the first moment you know your betta has dropsy.

What Are My Betta Fish Dropsy Treatment?

Let’s go through all the steps involved in how to treat dropsy in betta:

  • Start by setting up your quarantine tank. Like many other known diseases and infections which can befall bettas, you’re probably going to want to cut them off from the other fish in your tank. This prevents the bacteria from spreading, while also giving your infected betta a peaceful space with which to heal up in a stress-free environment. Five to ten gallons is fine for a quarantine tank. 
  • Make sure to add conditioned water, as well as places in which your betta can hide when the mood strikes. You should also have a heater, and you should also perhaps even consider getting a filter.
  • The next step will be to change out the water currently in your tank. This doesn’t have to be a lot. It doesn’t even have to be half. As far as the original aquarium is concerned, you only need to change around 25%. This is an important step in making sure the rest of the fish in the tank do not contract dropsy. Treatment and management become considerably more challenging, if you have more than one betta or fish displaying symptoms.
  • Get your hands on some aquarium salt. Thankfully, there are lots of good products available through Amazon and elsewhere. We don’t have a specific recommendation, but make sure you purchase what you need from a reliable, popular manufacturer. Anything you purchase will come with clear instructions for use.
  • Put your infected betta into a plastic bag with some water from the main tank. Put this bag in the water of the new tank. Allow your betta around twenty minutes to get themselves comfortable with the new tank. Then you can let them out of the bag.
  • Now, this next part is really a personal choice. If you only have the one infected betta fish, then disregard changing only 25% of the water. Our suggestion at that stage would be to change out seventy-five percent of the water. The entire tank, as well as everything associated with the tank, should be carefully scrubbed and cleaned. 
  • Some would suggest doing this regardless, but we’re talking about a considerable amount of work and resources at that juncture. It is not absolutely necessary, but it can make for a good measure for anyone who w ants to be completely confident in the treatment they are using for their betta. If you are interested in going this route, make sure you know everything there is to know about cleaning out your betta tank safely and effectively.
  • This is where we start administering the best antibiotics you have on hand. In our experience, amoxicillin provides the most effective relief against this bacterial infection. These products are usually distributed in 500mg dosages. Make sure you follow all of the directions associated with whatever you purchase, in order to ensure your betta gets all of the benefits.
  • The most effective way to give your bettas amoxicillin is to soak some into their food. This will be explained in the directions of whatever you purchase. If your betta is still eating, this should be easy enough to do. If not, do not panic! You can still administer the medicine!

Don’t Forget To Change The Quarantine Tank Daily!

This is regrettably something many people forget to do!

As we mentioned before, dropsy treatment will probably involve aquarium salt (do NOT use table salt, as it is NOT the same thing!) and antibiotics. Because of this, your water should be changed out every single day. This won’t take long, as it is only a 5-10-gallon tank, but it must be kept in mind.


At this point, you should have all the information you need. As we mentioned before, efficiency is the key to successfully treating the condition. In other words, if you notice all three of those early warning signs of dropsy in your betta fish, then you can almost certainly move on to exploring treatment options. It is highly unlikely that if your betta fish isn’t eating, and prefers to hide and avoid other fish, they have dropsy.

With the tips covered above, you’re on the right track to help your betta get better.

Betta Fish Fin Rot: What You Can Do Before It’s Too Late!

Betta Fish Fin Rot

If you are planning to own betta fish, understand now why it is so important to take fin rot seriously. This is one of the most unfortunate conditions which can befall your betta fish. While fin rot can be devastating to many different types of aquarium fish, it is considered to be more prevalent among bettas.

The more you learn about fin rot symptoms and causes, particularly among betta fish, the easier it will be to appreciate just how grave this condition can become. One of the most important things to remember about fin rot is the fact that time is of the essence, when it comes to how you respond.

We’re going to cover betta fish fin rot treatments shortly. For now, let’s start with a deep dive into everything you need to know about betta rot.

What Is Fin Rot?

Let’s start our discussion of fin rot in betta fish with some good news: Yes, fin rot is treatable, and the success rate, when you keep in mind all the steps and tips involved, is quite high. However, you need to understand what you’re dealing with.

Ideally, you’ll get all of this information before bringing your betta home. If that isn’t the case, relax. While fin rot can be absolutely brutal, betta fish retain their reputation for toughness. There is a reasonable window between detection and successful treatment.

Fin rot is essentially the consequence of too much bacteria in an aquarium. Obviously, we need a certain number of bacteria present to break things down and so forth. At the same time, too much bacteria can be problematic. The stress it can put on your fish, especially the bettas, can lead to things like fin rot.

It is commonly thought of as a bacterial infection. This is true, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

What Is Fin Rot

The Truth About The Origins Fin Rot

As it turns out, fin rot can be bacterial or fungal. These are two considerably different things, so it becomes crucial to be able to tell the difference between them. When you can do this, your treatment will have higher odds of being effective.

The type of fin rot you are dealing with is perhaps best understood by looking at the evenness of the damage. Fin rot causes physical wear and tear to the fins and other areas of your bettas. We will cover this in greater detail later. For now, just keep in mind that bacterial fin rot causes your bettas to look uneven. A fungal case of fin rot can be indicated by damage that looks more even.

What Causes Betta Fish Fin Rot?

We have already briefly touched on the basic conditions that can lead to fin rot. As previously indicated, it is most commonly brought about due to unsanitary conditions in your tank. Don’t forget that even if you have one of the best aquarium filters on the market, you should still be cleaning out your tank on a regular basis. This means removing a certain percentage of the water in the tank (a minimum of 10%), as well as removing debris and untouched foodstuffs along your tank’s bottom.

The temperature of your tank, the number of fish in your tank, and even the size of your tank can all play a role in creating the conditions necessary for fin rot to occur. While fin rot in of itself is not the end of the world, it is often made much worse with the addition of stress. What does this mean?

The Relationship Between Stress And Immune Systems In Bettas

While it is obviously important to take fin rot seriously, it is just as important to see why fin rot is so problematic in the first place. It comes down to the issue of stress, and what that means for the immune system of your bettas.

Bettas are hardy fish for your aquarium. Unfortunately, they can be prone to stress. This stress can come from overcrowded conditions, the tank not being the ideal temperature for betta fish, bullying by other fish, and more. Females are particularly susceptible to stress from over-eager males and even other females.

When you stress your betta out, the same thing happens to him as happens to any of us when we’re way too anxious: The immune system tanks. This make us more susceptible to getting sick. This applies to bettas, and it can be realized in a variety of different ways. Not only can your betta be more likely to contract fin rot when it’s stressed out, but the stress and weakened immune system can make fin rot much more serious.

So, if we want to prevent fin rot, we have to keep conditions ideal for your betta on every possible level. Otherwise, it will not be long, before you start to see symptoms.

Symptoms Of Fin Rot In Bettas

Another point worth repeating: Time is definitely off the essence, when it comes to treating your bettas for fin rot. We cannot overstate the value of knowing exactly what to look for, when it comes to signs that your betta fish has fin rot.

Here are the most significant fin rot symptoms to keep in mind. Because it is important to be as specific as possible, when it comes to knowing what to look for with fin rot and bettas, we’re going to break things down into mild fin rot symptoms and serious fin rot symptoms.

Mild Betta Fish Fin Rot Symptoms

Obviously, the main benefit of being able to identify these milder symptoms is the chance to treat and prevent future outbreaks much more successfully:

  • Look for a slight darkness to the fins of your betta. In general, good betta maintenance will include being aware of what your bettas fins normally look like.
  • Pay attention to the tips, as well. If you suddenly notice the presence of brown, grey, or white colors in this area, there is a good chance that your betta has a mild case. The tips can also look irritated, with a sore appearance.
  • One of the most notorious symptoms of fin rot relates to the ragged edges that suddenly appear along the fins of your betta. The area can also look frayed, damaged (as though attacked). Check your bettas regularly to know when this symptom might be appearing.

If your betta’s case of fin rot is only mild, there should not be any indication of rot anywhere NEAR the body of the betta. This is far and away the most important distinction between mild and major fin rot.

Serious Betta Fish Fin Rot Symptoms

Remember the window of opportunity that rests between identifying fin rot and successful treatment? It is mostly open to the criteria of mild fin rot.

If your betta has a more serious case, the window closes to a noticeable degree. While successfully restoring a betta with serious or major fin rot is not impossible, it does become a good deal more difficult at this juncture.

Here are the most common signs of a serious, possibly deadly, case of fin rot for your betta:

  • The placement of the fins is once again very important in this arena. If your betta is fighting a bad case of fin rot, you will immediately see the fins receding towards the body to a highly dangerous degree.
  • Rather than a slow-but-steady change in color and appearance, serious fin rot cases will be highlighted by entire clumps of your betta’s fin simply falling away.
  • An actual, significant portion of the fin will be completely dead. This can be as much as 1.5cm.
  • Recall the light discoloration we discussed earlier with the milder symptoms. If the condition has progressed to a potentially critical point, this discoloration will be impossible to ignore. Look for something that is going to be extremely dark in appearance.
  • Do you see white fuzz anywhere on the betta’s fin? This is another guarantee that your betta is dealing with the worst possible version of the infection.
  • In addition to the white fuzz, you should also be able to see the presence of red spots all over the betta.

Again, treatment is not impossible at this point. Just understand that the odds are also rather stacked against you. Nursing your betta back from this point is extremely time-consuming, and it will not come with any assurances that the betta will recover. This is why we want you to be able to catch these symptoms as early on as possible.

Next, let’s discuss treatment and prevention.

Betta Fin Rot Treatment

While there are indeed treatment options, which we will discuss in greater detail shortly, prevention is really the best way to deal with fin rot, regardless of the specific fish you own. Prevention means implementing simple steps that will ultimately make your betta and other tank mates of your aquarium family as happy as possible.

Having said that, there are a few things you will want to consider, when it comes to fin rot treatments for bettas.

The Best Betta Fin Rot Medicine in Betta Fish?

The first thing we should talk about is the subject of quarantine.

Should you isolate any and all fish, including your betta, which are confirmed to have fin rot? Yes. If your tank is larger than two gallons, or if you have any other living beings or plant life, you should cut off the infected betta from your actual aquarium as soon as possible.

Setting up a quarantine betta fish tank is pretty much the same as setting up a normal fish tank. Add your conditioned water heater, and filter. Make sure, even with a filter, you’re changing out the water in the tank every couple of days.

Also: If you want to minimize the stress your betta might experience from being moved to a new tank, put them in the new tank in a tied-off plastic bag, filled with the water of the original tank. After about 15 minutes of floating along the top, they should be just fine. Let them out, and keep a very close eye on them.

Once the betta has been isolated, make them as comfortable and happy as possible. Your next measure will be to seek out and use an effective antibiotic.

For more information on treatment products for infections such as fin rot, check out the following aquarium fish treatment medications that you can purchase at Amazon and elsewhere.

Regardless of where you decide to put your sick betta, make sure the tank conditions are always ideal. This means a temperature between 76 and 80F, with the pH being somewhere in the close vicinity of 7. The standards your specific betta is used to is going to ultimately be your best bet.

There is also some serious potential to be considered in using aquarium salt as a means of treating fin rot. If used sparingly and gently, aquarium salt can prove to be enormously effective.

Just keep in mind that you do not want to use this product for more than ten consecutive days. Follow the directions for any product you purchase very carefully. Failing to do this can lead to even more health problems for your bettas, including kidney damage and liver damage.

Fin Rot in Bettas

How To Prevent Fin Rot in Bettas? 

Let’s see what we can accomplish in the way of prevention:

A Clean Betta Tank

This is worth mentioning at least one more time! A tank that is being cleaned on a regular basis, combined with the use of a filter and other conditions agreeable to bettas, is a tank that your betta fish will love. This diminishes stress, while keeping the potential for bacteria to build up and cause problems low.

The Right Size Tank

Your bettas need the right size tank to be happy, as well. Five gallons is considered to be the absolute minimum. If you plan to have several fish, or if they’re going to share space with other types, the tank should be bigger.

The Right Number of Fish

Overcrowding creates stress, but it also creates heightened conditions for something like fin rot to thrive. In a five-gallon tank, there shouldn’t be more than four or five fish, but even that is kind of pushing it.

Figure out if your tank meets the conditions for problematic or even dangerous overcrowding. If that proves to be the case, it might be time to invest in a second aquarium.

Males and Females Bettas

Male bettas and female bettas can live together. However, there are several things within this thought to keep in mind. Otherwise, you can wind up creating highly stressful conditions for the bettas in your tank.

Act Fast

Prevention also involves preventing a mild case of fin rot from becoming something much graver. Remember the symptoms of mild fin rot we mentioned above. This isn’t something that needs to consume your life, but giving your betta a close look at least once a day can protect them from so much.


Let’s summarize everything we’ve covered here today with a few of the most common questions and answers concerning betta fin rot:

Should I automatically panic, as soon as I see that my betta has fin rot?

Certainly not. You have to remember that this infection is extremely common, Meaning the odds are pretty good that your betta is going to have it at one point or another. As long as you can spot the condition early enough, there is almost certainly nothing to seriously worry about.

Is one fin rot treatment method more effective than the other?

Not really. We wouldn’t suggest trying both aquarium salt and antibiotics at the same time, but each have their own solid respective track orders. We would suggest starting out with one of the antibiotics mentioned above. This should be combined with creating the best possible conditions in your tank.

Do I really need to isolate my betta from the rest of my fish?

We would strongly advise it. One of the easiest ways for fin rot to pass is for one fish to give it another fish. This can be done more quickly and easily than you might think. If you know in no uncertain terms that your betta has fin rot, they should be cut off from the others ASAP. It is also a good idea to keep as close an eye on the rest of your fish as possible.

What can I do to further aid in the recovery of my betta?

There are actually a couple of very helpful things you can do. In the first place, remove anything from the tank that might cause damage to the highly delicate condition your betta will be in while on the mend. You should also make it a point to keep your patient away from other fish, until the point in which it has healed completely.

Can my betta get fin rot twice?



With this comprehensive guide, it should be easy to give your betta the very best of care.